Update on Tamoxifen thickening uterus. - My Breast Cancer ...

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Update on Tamoxifen thickening uterus.

5 Replies

Hi ladies

I wrote a post a few weeks ago regarding my concerns of having some unwelcome symptoms due to tamoxifen, i.e bloating, left side abdominal pain. Over the last few weeks I have had firstly an ultrasound and internal ultrasound which showed uterus had thickened and a cyst on left ovary, so to follow up had an MRI last week and then a hysteroscopy yesterday and I've had blood works done, ca125 being one of them which is a tumour biomarker. So...the MRI apparently shwed a 6cm cyst on ovary and a polyp in uterus. The gynae yesterday during hysteroscopy was fully expecting to find this polyp but couldn't, all she could seem to find was what she called a lot of scarring within the uterus/womb and said she couldn't understand why/how it was there, so she's taken biopsies and I should get results in a week. She said that she was concerned as my womb didn't look how she expected based on MRI results and was of the feeling it could be 'something a bit scarier', she later clarified poss endometrial cancer which is a risk, although apparently a low one of tamoxifen. I am completely freaked out now, had no bleeding ever whilst on tamoxifen, my periods stopped on chemo in oct 2015. So the thing that really made me go docs was left sided pain which is a cyst! makes me question when would I have seen my GP as I say uterus problem only really bloating which I've always been told is normal on tamoxifen.

Has anyone got similar experience to this?

I'm 37.

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5 Replies

p.s ca125 came back well within normal range, I was under impression it was just for ovarian cancer but can detect other cancers within the body i.e uterine/endometrial. I started tamoxifen 2 years ago.

squeezebox profile image
squeezebox in reply to

Hi there Vaclav

I started taking tamoxifen November 2009. March 2010 o had an unusual bleed. My periods had stopped abruptly when I commenced tamoxifen. I had also grown cysts on one if my ovaries. I had endometrial ablation in April/May 2010.

Follow up I had grown a cyst on other ovary and the first ones had started to change so I had both ovaries removed.

I cannot say it was definitely the drug but I had not had either problem before taking it.


carolinenailsea profile image


Really sorry that you are having such a tough time. Hopefully the hysterectomy has done the trick and anything horrible has been successfully dealt with. Ca125 results sounds really good. I understand it takes a bit of time to get over a hysterectomy, so do be kind to yourself. Very best wishes for your recovery. Hugs Caroline

Thanks for your reply Caroline, I haven't had a hysterectomy although it looks like one is on the cards! I had a hysteroscopy procedure which is where gynae insert a camera on a thin tube called a hysterscope and it allows clear pics of inside womb etc...so its baffling as to how a polyp apparently evident on ultrasound and an MRI wasn't able to be seen! Its gonna be a long few days til next week when I get biopsy results😢

Debster2016 profile image

Hi cazlav I haven’t experienced this but I wish you all the best with the results. Keep busy and try and keep positive if you can, you’ve been through some tough times already! You can do this 👊

Bests Deb

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