Hi Ladies
I'm looking for some experiences with what my title says, if anyone would like to share!
Just before Christmas I went to my GP with bloating and an on/off pain lower left abdomen. After am examination it was decided to book me for an ultrasound at hospital, I had expressed my concern of uterus thickening which is a common side effect of tamoxifen which I have been taking 2 years end of January, or perhaps an ovarian cyst.
So this afternoon I went for Ultrasound, the radiographer during the scan, said that he could see some thickening of uterus but also a cyst on left ovary so he asked if I would be happy to have internal scan to take a further look, of course I agreed to this as want to know whats going on down there!
I'm feeling a bit like a headless chicken now as he'd said that the cyst looked like it had some 'citations' which wasn't unheard of on a cyst, this is the bit I don't like as I'm now thinking he was saying it might not just be a cyst😔
I am trying not to worry until I know whether there is something to really worry about. Apparently I need to ring my GP for results this week but I'm second guessing and I'm scaring myself.
Sorry for essay!