Hi I've often replied to other people's posts but now I have an ask. I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer nearly 11 years ago. I had 2 different lots of Chemo followed by a mastectomy,6 of 13 nodes removed and radiotherapy. After getting the all clear at 5 years I started reconstruction. This has been a slow process. In November last my Wisdom tooth broke and I got an infection then I had the port of my implant removed and got an infection then another one in my tooth. In January I went for a routine check up and my consultant noticed a lymph node on my neck. I had a scan then another one with biopsy. That was last week. Today I got a letter with an appointment tomorrow with the consultant. I thought it was nothing to worry about just a result of the infections now I'm not so sure. Anyone experience anything similar?
Enlarged lymph node 10 years post bre... - My Breast Cancer ...
Enlarged lymph node 10 years post breast cancer

Sending good luck wishes your way, I hope it's nothing serious x
I had a problem with an infection from my tooth. I was on antibiotics and eventually had the tooth pulled. Unfortunately another infection set in. Very painful, my lymph node in my neck swelled up. That was found to be due to the infection. I hope all goes well for you and it does all boil down to the nodes fighting infection xxx
Hi Angelmummi
I'm sure you must be concerned & anxious about the call back. Please let us know how you get on tomorrow, thinking of you.
Best Wishes
Mrs N 🌺
Good luck hope all turns out well for you x🍀
Horrible to have this to worry about. Fingers crossed xx its just related to the tooth infections. Best wishes Caroline
Had my appointment this morning and unfortunately the biopsy showed some cancer cells. They had already booked a full body scan and MRI for tomorrow with a follow up appointment with my consultant next week. He has said it is probably isolated and my well mean resuming hormone treatment. Feeling a bit she'll shocked. I had my 21 year old son with me and he was brilliant. Now however I have to tell my 2 daughters 24 and 16 and my 86 year old mother. Will keep you all informed and thank you for your support.
Sorry you had this news, I can imagine you are shocked, anyone would be especially given the passage of time since original diagnosis. Sounds like a plan is already formed and you have great support.
Best wishes going forward xx

Thank you. Have told the eldest girl still not told the younger one. Trying to find the right time.
Rubbish to get this news - I am sad the news was not good. Life does throw too many nasty shocks and its really tough managing the impact. Postively it does sound like they are onto it really quickly which is good. Best of luck over the coming months, Caroline xx
So sorry you got this news it must be a huge shock 😥 Sending you big healing hugs xx
So sorry to read of your news, sounds like the medical team have got a plan for you, I've got everything crossed you're soon on the mend, look after yourself sending love and hugs to you and your family xx
Got a call from the hospital yesterday. Scan don't show anything else but they are sending me for a more in depth on as a precaution. Appointment with consultant Wednesday to go on Letrozole. Now I feel happier about telling my mum. Thanks ladies for all your support.
I had lymph nodes in neck too and was very scared . Had a great lady consultant who sent me for ultrasound on the neck and c.t scan . They all come back ok on the ultrasound they can tell straight away due to shape and markers just like on our breast ultrasound on the screen the lady who did the ultrasound told me straight away she didn't need to do a biopsy because although enlarged ,swollen nothing sinister.all put down to virus ..it took six months in all for them to go back to normal .. lucky but we all still worry ..I hope you too are ok ...let's us know ...stay well.....
Hi all had my PET scan yesterday and 3-5 days for results so will let you know. I didn't realise how much I was worrying but came home and had a 4 hour nap then 4 hours later I was asleep again to be woken by the alarm 8 hours later!
New update. PET scan doesn't show anything new so appointment on Wednesday to discuss treatment. It could be lymph removal radiotherapy or hormone therapy or a combination. Will let you all know but feeling a lot more positive after the initial shock.
Update. On 5 June I had an operation to debulk the 2.5cm tumor on my lymph node in my neck. They were unable to remove all of it as it was too close to a vein and the main nerve that runs down my arm. I have appointment 21st to decide on Radiotherapy and with the surgeon 23rd for follow up. I was feeling good when I came home and expecting a quick recovery but now I a struggling and was told yesterday it could take 3-4 weeks for all the bruising to come out. Feeling a bit sorry for myself but my daughter is in the middle of her exams so I slap on the happy face when she comes home!