New to group x: Hi all I am new here... - My Breast Cancer ...

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New to group x

Gittelarter profile image
26 Replies

Hi all

I am new here and so glad I've found this group. Have had lots of tests since before Christmas and get full results tomorrow although I know there are 2 cancer lumps, the MRI scan found another 2 which I get results of tomorrow. Looks like I need a mastectomy tho xxxxxx

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Gittelarter profile image
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26 Replies

Welcome to our group, one I'm sure you never expected to join.

There are lots of lovely ladies at different stages of treatment & there is always someone around to have a chat with.

Hopefully you have someone to go with you tomorrow & after you've seen the Consultant you usually get time with the Nurse who is in the Consultation with you so you can ask more questions or go over anything you didn't understand fully.

Take a very deep breath as there is a lot to take in, don't over worry yourself about Types, Grades & Stages until you have all the facts & only cross each bridge as you get to it otherwise you'll be overwhelmed.

I've had a Mastectomy & Chemo & am doing well.

Let us know how you get on tomorrow. Sending many positive thoughts & hugs 💐

Mrs N 💅🏼

Lainey66 profile image

Hi there :) I am sure that you never thought you would belong to this sort of support group. I have to say, everyone here has been a blessing. We are all in the same boat, at different stages, but we all know what you are going through. Good luck with your results tomorrow. I had a double mastectomy in Jan last year so I understand your worries. Do take care and try not to worry too much. Lainey66 xx

Jennymary profile image

Welcome to the group that none of us want to be in, I can't really add anything to what MrsNails and Lainey have put, but I will say, if you have any questions, no matter how silly they may seem to you, post them here, I'm sure one of us will have an answer or will be able to point you in the right direction, I'll be thinking of you tomorrow xxxxx

Mandywilson profile image

Ho .... Welcome .. I can only agree with what the others have said ... I know it's hard but try and keep positive xxx

Welcome to the group sending you loads of best wishes x

nikonBlue profile image

hello and welcome to our gang! Nobody wants to be a member of this special group but we would all be lost without it now. I've been luckier than most and as I say I still have 2 though my left one's a bit wonky!

I hope your results are perhaps better than you expect but stay as positive as you can and let family & friends support you every step of the way....and the gang's all here for you too!!

Blue xx

haagr profile image

Hi Gittelarter

I too had an MRI that showed another area of concern in addition to what was found on my mammography, plus a swollen lymph node in my axilla (armpit).. My surgeon told me not to panic because MRIs are very sensitive and often pick up artifact that turns out to be nothing. Of course I panicked anyway and was hysterical for weeks until I had surgery despite her efforts to reassure me. After the MRI I had a sonogram of my breast and axilla that did not show the additional concerns found on the MRI.

I too thought I would certainly need a mastectomy. The surgeon decided to do a lumpectomy in one larger single section that included both areas in my breast. She did not even remove the questionable lymph node because the sono was negative and in her experience that was what she determines to be the better indicator. Prior to surgery I had 2 guidewire placements to identify and ensure she removed both areas of concern in my breast.

The very important take home message for you is that the area identified on the MRI turned out to be nothing. The surgeon was right that MRIs are over sensitive. So I panicked and put myself through hell for a month for nothing. Try to stay calm, which I know is almost impossible at this point. It may not be as bad as you think.

Keep us posted. We are all here to support you through this journey that no one wants to be on. Best of luck to you.

R from across the pond 😘

mags4 profile image

Hi hope you are doing ok not easy good luck i will be thinking of you

This site is a great help so keep in touch hugs💗

lizzyHZ profile image

I never expected to have joined this group either I agree with the other ladies, do not over think things, take each step at a time and keep positive even though that might be difficult

I hope you have people around you who care and love and support you - it is a blessing to have this


Gittelarter profile image

Hi all, thought I had left an update?? But can't see it?? Anyway got my result yesterday and the 2 new lumps are cancerous and I'm going in for mastectomy 3rd Feb. I have been told I will only stay in overnight after the op which I'm surprised of? Can any of you lovely ladies tell me a bit about how I will be feeling, what I'm able to do after, when I can go back to work etc (office work)?? I felt positive when leaving the hospital and was going back to work today but then out of the blue last night I just totally had a melt down and couldn't face work today, is that normal as "physical" there is nothing wrong with me and I should be at work.

Lots of love Gitte xxxxxx

Debster2016 profile image
Debster2016 in reply to Gittelarter

Hello Gitte and welcome 😌. I'm 7 weeks post mastectomy and I can start crying at the drop of a hat. I'm not working again yet as my job is physical (post lady) but expect to return in due course. Currently I have my employers full support (luckily 😌).

I stayed one night in hospital and went home next day with a drain which was removed 9 days later. I found that painful but only very briefly. I believe I was given a pain blocker in hospital so was in good spirits for a few days, discomfort set in for me 5 days later. started the gentle stretching exercises day one post op. Developed a bit of cording which got worse for a couple of weeks before getting better; I plateaued for 3 weeks but just yesterday improved again.

Everybody's physiology is different so we all respond differently to each of the different variables associated with breast cancer.

I find this forum reassuring for that fact alone! It makes me feel that everything I am going through is normal (for want of a better word).

There are lots of lovely lovely ladies on here, the support is very encouraging.

For me I need to know as much as I can absorb so my advice is to keep asking all the questions you come up with, ask everyone, on here, your breast care nurse, surgeon, !acmillan. I have found all these sources helpful.

Sending much warmth and wishing you well xxx

haagr profile image
haagr in reply to Gittelarter

Hi Gitte

So sorry that your diagnosis was confirmed. Hope your surgery goes smoothly and you have an easy recovery. We're all rooting for you.


Hi Gitte

Sorry to hear your diagnosis is confirmed but now you know what you're up against & honestly that's half the battle!

Yes, I had my Surgery at 4pm after arriving earlier for the marker to be put in & I was home 2pm the following day! I had a pain block so truthfully not in any particular pain. If you have any issues with your drain you just go back to the ward & the BCNurses remove it in Clinic.

Back in the day it was minimum a week in hospital, but really it's more comfortable at home.

It's quite natural to take it in your stride then suddenly it hits you! Think it the old Adrenaline that keeps you going while you're getting all the details then suddenly, Wham!

I retired early so no issues about going back to work but until you get your Pathology results at your 10 day follow up you don't know what the rest of the plan is, so as far as work is concerned, put it on the back burner for now, don't even think about it, you now have new priorities.

There are a couple of ladies on here who have recently returned to work on Phased Return so when the time is right, they'll be able to give you some advice.

I'm on my way out now but if you have any questions please post & l or one of the other ladies can help you.

Much Love & Big Hugs 💐

Mrs N aka Angela xx

Gittelarter profile image
Gittelarter in reply to

Thank you, have a good day xxx

lizzyHZ profile image

Good luck sending positive thoughts xx

Maggie18 profile image

The treatment is very good for breastcancer generally I had chemo mastectomy and just finished rdiotherapy juste relieved it's all gone and just on herceptin now the oncologist know best and treatment may be difficult but the sooner you get rid of it the better I have. Temporary implant at time of mastectomy nd with. Bra on it doesn't appear much different people don't notice I then get. Reconstruction in. Year X take care keep talking and use this forum xx

Welcome, hope you have a good consultation in that you have everything explained - breast care nurses are invaluable too. I had mastectomy fpur months ago for my 2nd cancer and im doing well. Best wishes xx

Mandywilson profile image

I Can only agree with what everyone else has said... Keep positive .. It's a journey we all are or have been on ..I always had a little note pad and anything I questioned I wrote Down because on the day you may not remember xxxx. This is a fab and welcome 💞 And good luck ... Xxx

Lorraineam profile image

Welcome to the group xxx

Debs1962 profile image

Hi have you been told what type of cancer yet? Did they do biopsy?

I had mastectomy with reconstruction implant at the same time, had it done at 9am and went home same day at 5pm, will they be doing centinel node removal? That is when they put in dye 24hours before, it saves taking out loads of nodes for checking, if centinel node free from cancer then they don't need to touch any nodes! As that could be more surgery after if centinel node has cancer in it.

I was fit and able to do normal things within about 4-6 weeks but I didn't have any nodes removed, and I think that makes a difference, from speaking to my friends that have had them remove.

Hope all goes well for you xx

Gittelarter profile image
Gittelarter in reply to Debs1962

Hi Debs, they have told me its to do with hormones?? And yes I have to have the die even tho the biopsy showed nothing. I'm going back to work tomorrow so just waiting for the next 2 weeks to go quickly xxxxxx

Debs1962 profile image
Debs1962 in reply to Gittelarter

Sounds like ER+ then, biopsy can't tell them if it has gone to nodes or not, only checking nodes will say for certain.

Are you having reconstruction at the same time as mastectomy?

Mandywilson profile image

Welcome .... And my best wishes . Xx

Aliensx2 profile image


I've only been here Afew weeks my self but these ladies who have supported me and read my rants are fantastic with their suggestions love and support ... wishing you luck and sending you love and positive thoughts... you can do this your stronger than you think ... hope all goes well tomorrow .. I start chemo Tuesday 👍👍👍👍👍😊

Twinks xxx

in reply to Aliensx2


Hi, good luck for your Chemo on Tuesday, hope all goes well, don't forget to drink lots of water afterwards!

Best Wishes 💐

Love Mrs N 💕

Aliensx2 profile image
Aliensx2 in reply to

Thank you lovely lady 😘😘🦋🦋🦋

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