RESULTS BEEN GIVEN TODAY : Hello... - My Breast Cancer ...

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jackearls1000 profile image
29 Replies

Hello everyone ,,,well this morning I was given my biopsy results ....the lump is cancerous ...its between a grade 2 and 3 invasive ductal carcinoma? as far as they could see the lymph was clear ....the plan is that on the 31st July they are going to remove the lump with good tissue around it ...and the Dr said to follow it up with radiotherapy ...they are removing a lymph just to be sure ...but I was reassured this was standard procedure as it was a sure way to be certain that it hasn't spread ....I'm on holiday tomorrow and feel absolutely tragic ...trying to get my head around this am I going to survive ...and then I was told I could end up having chemo ???? help xxx

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jackearls1000 profile image
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29 Replies

Hi there , you are still in shock at the moment and when things settle you will start to feel more at ease - but it is highly unlikely that you are going to die anytime soon, breast cancer is very treatable - some of the treatment and the whole process is not nice but it's all do able. Have they given you a diagnosis of what type of breast cancer you have ? Most common is ER+ , but there is also HER2+ or a combination of the two , and also triple negative - these are all factors in whether you have chemotherapy, but the best advice I can give you is just to take each bit at a time , you have an operation coming up which will probably be a day case , but you will need to re-cuperate afterwards , so just concentrate on this first, try not to think of the possible other treatments until you get there.

Best wishes

Ok x

jackearls1000 profile image
jackearls1000 in reply to

thanks for a quick reply ...its says on my form ER NEG ..HER2 NEG I think writing is bit unreadable day op is 31st July ...I don't think they really know to be honest ..x

in reply to jackearls1000

HER2 Negative, mine is the same, this apparently means that you don't have the strain of cancer that requires Herceptin.. so that's good... I was exactly the same as you, very nervous, couldn't believe this had happened to me, I cried all the time, didn't sleep for about a week. Decided that I was going to die, I needed to prepare my family for this etc etc. Once you get over the initial shock. You will calm down, my best advice so far, for what's worked for me, is don't research on the internet, they are just horror stories anyway, listen to the advice your being given, and take each appointment step by step, as previous replies have said, breast cancer is incredibly treatable, so try not to worry, we are all here to talk to if you need to talk ok 💞

jackearls1000 profile image
jackearls1000 in reply to

Thanks for this helped a lot whilst I was away ...I'm home now and had pre op today ..did you have chemo? ...I really am not liking the idea Dr said they would remove the lump ...with a clear margin hopefully and I would have 3 weeks of radiotherapy ...I was fine with that ...but then she said depending on results I might have to have chemo at the end as a precaution ..its that that has freaked me out there a treatment in chemo you don't lose your hair ??

Thankyou for your support it means a lot x

Jennymary profile image

I was diagnosed in October 2013, even now I can't remember the type of cancer I had, but my treatment plan was lumpectomies (cancer in both breasts) no chemo, 3 weeks radiotherapy, tamoxifen until next year when I'm due for a review, mammograms since have been clear, try to enjoy your holiday and not fret about the C word, if it was that bad they wouldn't leave surgery until the end of the month, after your surgery treatments will become much clearer for you and whatever your plan there'll be someone on this forum who has been there and come through the other side, as you will, good luck xxxx

jackearls1000 profile image
jackearls1000 in reply to Jennymary

Hello Jenny ...Tamoxofen is that the hormone treatment? I know I am spinning out on all this ...I'm sorry ..I have nursed several people through cancer till the end and I spose this has frightened me a tad ...trying to be normal .. thank you for sharing your journey with me ...thank you for being there xxxx

Debs1962 profile image
Debs1962 in reply to Jennymary

If you are on tamoxifen then your cancer is definitely ER+ as estrogen will fuelling your cancer, so the drugs will suppress your esrogen.

Jennymary profile image
Jennymary in reply to Debs1962

Thanks Debs

jackearls1000 profile image
jackearls1000 in reply to Jennymary

That's very reassuring ...thank you ....I'm not sure I can have tamoxifen ...I'm Her2 neg ..but I will have 3 weeks radiotherapy though x

Jennymary profile image

Hi Jack, yes the tamoxifen is a hormone treatment essentially to destroy any cancer cells lurking in my body, I know you've nursed several people through cancer until the end of their lives, for that I really admire you and everyone else who does this type of work, try not to worry as everyone's cancer is different, enjoy your holiday and see what the end of the month brings for you x

jackearls1000 profile image

Yes I'm going to take one step at a time ....I cant have the hormone treatment it might be chemo ....we will see ...thankyou again I'm trying to settle down a bit xxx

jackearls1000 profile image

The night is drawing in and ill be honest ....I'm freaking out ...been reading my assessment sheet ....ER NEG AND HE2 NEG ...NOT SURE WHAT THIS MEANS BUT IM READING ONLINE AND SCARING MYSELF ....IM GETTING VERY DOWN ABOUT IT ALL X

Lainey66 profile image
Lainey66 in reply to jackearls1000

Don't read stuff online unless you are researching to fight your corner as you can scare yourself to death. I was diagnosed on 2 Oct 2015 with three tumours in my left breast. Triple negative and lymph node positive. I started chemo then I fought for a double mastectomy. This turned out to be the best thing I ever did as five weeks after surgery I was diagnosed with residual cancer which would have meant another mastectomy. I had a further 6.5 months of chemo and 25 sessions of radiotherapy. That all ended last June. I am still on three monthly visits to the Oncologist, but at least I know they are keeping an eye on me. I wish you well in you coming treatment and for a full recovery. It will be a mental, emotional as well as a physical challenge for you. Try to put it all to the back of your mind and enjoy your holiday. Sending hugs xxxxxxxx

Happyrache2 profile image

Hi, I was diagnosed on 1st March with ER+ invasive ductal carcinoma after a routine first mammogram and biopsy, and was put on tamoxifen straight away, to stop it from spreading. I know exactly how you feel. It is so shocking being diagnosed, and your mind reels. On 20th April I had a wide local incision lumpectomy and two lymph nodes removed, which were clear. After testing what they removed from me, they advised me to have a mastectomy, as the cancer was bigger than they realised. I start radiotherapy on 13th July for 3 weeks, and will have the mastectomy in September. As Woomot said, try to stay calm and take it one day at a time. The shock will pass. I feel quite calm now and eager to get the radio over with. They did tell me they weren't ruling out chemo for me, but have said I don't need it now. I think they tell you the worst case scenario until they know for sure, so try not to worry (I know it's easier said than done). I did not find the lumpectomy too bad, and was back to normal in 10 days. So I hope that is all you need, maybe with some radio. But once I was over the shock, I felt so much more able to face everything bravely, as you will too. It's a roller coaster, but you'll get through it xx

jackearls1000 profile image

Thank you for that ...I really can not sleep but I spose its good news the lymph biopsy was clear but they are checking ...I'm in awe of your bravery ...good luck on the 13th ...I will be thinking of you xxxx

Happyrache2 profile image
Happyrache2 in reply to jackearls1000

I hope you manage to get some sleep soon. It is routine for them to remove lymph nodes and check them. Thank you! I don't always feel brave and have the odd meltdown but I think the shock and (sometimes) anger of being diagnosed are wearing off. Thank you - I will be thinking of you on 31st. Have a lovely holiday and try to put it to the back of your mind. I had a holiday in menorca at half term for a week, and it did me the world of good. xx

Sued1958 profile image

Try to stop worrying too much , I had a lumpectomy followed by radiotherapy back in 2005/2006 they took several lymph nodes which were thankfully clear. The margins they had around the tumour wasn't quite as much as they had hoped so I had to have extra radiotherapy but I am still here nearly 12 yrs later. I did have tamoxifen for 5 yrs too. Xxx

Artemis-angel profile image

I know it's a massive shock, I was stage 3 with spread to lymph nodes, my diagnosis was over 7 years ago I am still here and having a great life. I had a mastectomy reconstruction, radio and chemotherapy. Hang on in there worry if you need to, cry if you need to. Find one family member or friend you can talk to. And avoid dr google he just ends up making you worry,

.if you have a breast cancer nurse try speaking about your worries to them.

I wish you all the best for your treatment.

Debs1962 profile image

I am assuming that it isn't HER2 or triple neg as you would definitely be having to have chemo, they will test the sentinel node close to the tumour, that will determine if any spread, and then if chemo is to be considered, so I assume your cancer is like mine was ER+

You will get through this we all have, it is very frightening when first diagnosed, ask questions of your doctors if unsure of anything, talk on the forum, we are all here for you.

Try and have a lovely holiday hugs to you xxx

Linkj profile image

Dear Jackie, I am so sorry to her your news. I am a little ahead of you, first a mastectomy 15th Match, halfway through chemo and radiotherapy to come. The absolute worst bit was what you are going through now, the knowing but not all the facts and waiting to start treatment. Once you start it is almost like you put your head down and get on with it, most of it not pleasant but all doable, the lovely ladies on this site really help so keep posting. This illness changes you, shows you so many people who are so lovely, a few who are tactless and rarely a few who don't care. It makes you treasure your loved ones and see what is important. It also makes you mad, as a 64 year old I went on the back of our new scooter yesterday, we bought it to give us freedom with our motorhome, whoa "biker chick". Good luck, remember the outcome statistics are in our favour xx

Happyrache2 profile image
Happyrache2 in reply to Linkj

Linkj your reply made me cry! So glad you are enjoying life now! I have always been such a little bit mad so I'm calling on that part of my character to get me through this at the moment! I meant to mention how it highlights your real friends and fake ones. Some can be very strange. I have one friend who lives around the corner, and she doesn't even text me to ask how I am! when she sees me at the school she just says "Allright Rache?". Incredible. However, at the opposite end of the spectrum, I have seen how many brilliant friends I do have! About 10 friends are going to each drive me to my radiotherapy (45 mins away), as I don't drive! My hubby has been doing all my appointments so needs to go to work, so he's doing the first one! I just feel so lucky to have lovely family and friends around me, and I'm sure you will find this out too Jackearls. Hope you have lots of love and support. Wishing you all the best with everything. x

blue_sky1 profile image

Please be very reassured by what the doctors said. They have found this early. I had 4 tumours in one breast including a massive 5CM one and 11/12 lymph nodes affected and 6 years later am doing great with no further problems. Your greatest battle going forward will be a psychological one. Develop your mental strength and your faith and use the holiday to adjust to the different person you have become as a result of this diagnosis. Believe all will be well. Sending you all my love and strength. xxxx

julesab profile image

I had stage 4, full mastectomy and lymph node 10 removed 5 cancerous, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Then reconstruction a year later, seven years ago my journey started I been back at work 5 years now recently reducing to 30 hours but all good. It did seem bleak at times. Keep strong and positive, good luck with your journey 😀 I was also on tamoxifen for five years and now on letrezole !

Chrissie2 profile image

You go and have a great holiday. Try to put your diagnosis to the back of your mind - easier said than done, I know, but don't let it mar your enjoyment. This will be a big boost and help you get through whatever treatment is to come.

Trust the medical staff and make a list of questions you might have for your next appointment. You should have someone who you can contact before then if you need to. Everything else has been said by others In their replies

You will get through this. My best wishes to you and good luck on your journey xx

josiemarie profile image

If they are saying er neg and her neg you may well be triple negative. I was triple neg.. it was grade 3+ with spread to my lymph nodes and an awful lot of vascular invasion. They wanted to give me a masectomy but l fought for a lumpectomy after reading it made no difference to the prognosis. I had 6 months chemo and 6 weeks radio and sailed through both although l did get progressively tired and by the end of the last one l just wanted to curl up under the duvet for a week but I managed to work throughout helping my electrician partner to wire houses. My way of getting through was to tell just my immediate family and to carry on as normal. Head down and plough through it switching on automatic pilot for the bad days. I also went dairy free and took up power walking.. the more problems l was facing the faster ld walk. It's coming up to 14 yrs now. Don't be frightened its very doable

Love Josie x

Lorraineam profile image

I agree with everything that others have posted on here but would like to add try to think of it as an illness you will recover from, and try to look for the positives in everything. I think attitude makes a big difference to how you deal with diagnosis and treatment. Best wishes to you xxx

Loulou669 profile image


I was diagnosed in 2010 stage 3, been through mastectomy, chemo and radiotherapy. I am still here 7 years on and still working so don't give up, you will get through it !' I eat better now and exercise and try to keep a 'normal' life.

The breast care nurses are great, talk to them.

Good luck and keep your chin up! There are lots of people on here that have been through it all, so keep going ! Watch your favourite films to try and take your mind off it, listen to your favourite music, and walk in the parks and countryside, it will calm you down a bit. 😬

I am sorry you have to deal with this stuff. I opted for double mastectomy. Still needed chemo because I am tripple neg. I did not need radiation. I worry more about it coming back but my mom was so upset with all of it. I was diagnosed almost two years ago. I think I just deal with it like I know what I have and this is what they tell me will "fix it" so that's what we do. It's prevention that's kicking my butt. I know cancer feeds off of sugar I just haven't disciplined myself enough to stay away from it. I love my coca cola. Good luck. Try to think positive. There has been so many advances in treatments and surgery.

Coco25 profile image

Hi Jackearls, I think most people on the forum knows exactly how you feel because we've all received that news of having cancer and devastation is probably the best word to describe the feeling, but please remember that breast cancer is called the survivors cancer because there's so much that can be done now, you will be ok I'm sure. Take care x

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