I have my lumpectomy in just over a week, difficult to describe my feelings at the moment. Dreading the operation as I have bad reactions to anesthetic - this is one journey that I hadn't planned for this year!
Diagnosed now waiting for Treatment - My Breast Cancer ...
Diagnosed now waiting for Treatment

Hi Louise, I was terrified of having a general anaesthetic with my lumpectomies 3 yrs ago, never had one before, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it might be, unable to give any reassurance regarding bad reactions, my op took about one hour, afterwards no.pain or discomfort all I can do.now for you is send you loads of love and hugs for coming days and weeks, none of us planned a journey like this, but we've all come through it xxxx
Hi Jenny
It is all very daunting at the moment, thank you for the love and hugs. I have watched my Mum and Cousin go through this, and come out the other side which helps me to be positive. But it doesn't stop the moments when it is just me and all of the mixed emotions and panic which I am feeling.
Thank you so much for taking the time to message me, knowing that I am not alone and there are so many people out there who know exactly what you're going through means so much.
Louise xx
Jenny, you are not alone. I have had two pervious lumpectomies ( years ago and years apart) both were benign, even though suspicious at first look. Now, I have a cluster of lumps in the same breast, same region. The doctors seem to know its a cancer just from the ultra sounds and mammograms. On Tuesday I find out exactly what and make a plan with the surgeon. I have had a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach for two weeks now, but am so busy telling loved ones it's all okay it helps take my mind of it. As well, I know a couple of ladies who have emerged from the tunnel and are carrying on a usual. My thoughts are with you. 🌺❤️
I know exactly how you feel. I felt like the Doctors knew it was suspicious before I got the results from my biopsy. In fact I had told myself I would be more surprised if it wasn't rather than was cancer. It all seems like it is happening to someone else at the moment, and when I am on my own feel that same sickness in the pit of my stomach. My thoughts are with you too xx
Dear Louise,
What you are feeling is very normal, it's a scary time for you but we are survivors and are here for you.
I didn't have any problems with the anaesthetic, in fact I quite liked it! I had a mastectomy with axillary node clearance in February and I cried a lot but it's a loss so it would be weird not to really. I'm doing ok now, you adapt, and now looking forward to next year and reconstruction. Being positive is important but plan things to look forward to, treat yourself, laugh a lot and cry when you need to.
Sending you big hugs. Xx

Thank you - this time next week I will be in recovery, I will just be pleased when I am back home and can start the next part of this journey. xx
Good luck with it all, I will be just two days behind you. ❤️
Thank you - you too. Let me know how you get on xx
You too Louise. xx
Hi there, well I survived the anaesthetic, they were wonderful really listened to my concerns and treated me accordingly. Back home now which is cool. Sending love and hope everything goes okay for you too. Louise xx
Congratulations Louise! You survived the dreaded operation and are now in the warmth of home. A huge step forward. I am so pleased it wasn't as bad as you feared. Don't forget to have a moan about drains or other things that can be daunting ( unless that's not relevant) because I will! Ha ha! Onwards and upwards! My turn at around 6pm Thursday Australia time. Love and hugs to you. ❤️❤️❤️🌺
It's a scary journey,but you will come out the other side,as for the anesetic,tell the hospital staff beforehand so they are prepared.just do all the things your told,stock up on a few of your favourites treats,chocolate,ice cream etc,I know a healthy diet helps,but sometimes you feel sorry for yourself,and only chocolate will do.
Do all your exercises afterwards,as these really help,even though tedious,and it helped me to get a v shaped pillow for support and help sleeping.
Good luck,and lots of love.xxx

Thank you - I have told them about my anxiety over the anesthetic, and I am sure I will be in good hands. My sister-in-law actually works as a booking in clerk in the Theatre and is on duty that day so she has my back too and I definitely will be hitting the chocolate and ice cream afterwards.
Louise xx
Good luck.xxx
Oh I do sympathise with you! Anaesthetic makes me sick too. I don't know whether they can give any anti sickness medication beforehand but it's worth mentioning. Hope all goes well for you xxx
I don't have any reaction to anaesthetic luckily but undestand how it must be adding to your appehension. Hopefully they will be able to help you through it. We will all be thinking about you and come back here any time with your worries. We all try and help give you reassurance. Lots of hugs xx

Thank you so much, having all of these reassuring people around me definitely makes a difference.
Louise xx
i had a lumpectomy a year ago followed by chemo radio and hormone treatment. i didnt think i could do it. but today ive had my first all clear mammogram letter. im thrilled. you too can do this. the journey is long but you will make it. good luck with your journey it will soon be over xx

That is really good news, thank you for your support, it really does make a difference to know there is light at the end of this tunnel.
Louise xx
Hi. All the previous comments are shared by me. You have to go with the flow, take each day at a time. Make time for yourself. Had my op in February this year. Op was the easiest!! The rest takes strong people to cope with what comes along, that's what is special about all of us. Strength in number, sympathy in abundance and well wishes and love for the rest of our lives. Big hug. Marilyn xx

Thanks Marilyn - definitely strength is the key with this - thank you too for your kind words and support.
Louise xx
My thoughts are with you. I had mine 18 months ago and lymph nodes removed .it was my first operation ever but I just wanted the cancer out and tried to focus on that easier said than done I know .I had to go In at 9 to have markers on breast and a needle in breast which glows basically to highlight the first set of sentinol nodes. Then op at 1pm .I can fully understand your feelings and we are all here for you on this site no matter how big or small the issue is ..during your pre op talk to the anaesthetist mine came up to me about an half hour before and she told me what she was going to do and if I had any issues she was lovely .gave me an injection to stop acid reflux when she found out I was good friends with Gaviscon...I am sure they will do anything they can to eliminate or reduce any issues you have it's worth a conversation.Take care
Th surgeon was late, so they rushed me straight into theature without a premed when she finally arrived. Never will forget it.
If you mention your bad reaction to the Anaesthetist beforehand he might be able to add something to the mix that might help.
You will be fine. I had a lumpectomy last November after having chemo as the lump had shrunk down thank goodness. I even had to go back for another lumpectomy a week later as they needed to take away more bad cells. I was fine despite having two anaesthetics in two weeks!!
Hi Louise, I found a lump in May this year. The hospital confirmed what they thought to be a ductal carcinoma but following a lumpectomy it turned out to be lobular. I then needed a second operation as a clear margin was not achieved first time around. I viewed both operations as just mechanical, something I would not be aware of while under GA and would heal from. I met with the Anaestatist before the op, told them I did not get car sick but did not want to be sick after the op. They gave me some anti-sickness meds, I did wretch once but hadn't eaten so not a problem. Relayed this info to Anaestatist for 2nd op, he said he would give me something intravenously. I had no problems at all thankfully. Tell them your history and biggest worries and I'm sure they will do everything they can. Also beware if they offer cocodomol(?) as pain relief after. Some people it can work for, others can be sick etc. I have never had it but didn't want to chance it, stuck with nurofen if needed but I can honestly say it was just a bit sore/ tender a few days later when nerves etc started waking up. You will come through the op just fine, sending you my very best wishes xx

Thank you - I will relay all of my issues, and will just be pleased when this is all over now. It does help to know that I am not alone and there are people out there like me.
Louise xx
Nothing I can add here to the great advice already posted so sending you big healing hugs and to let you know we're all here for you xx
My thoughts and prayers are with you. Best wishes.