Morning lovely ladies ....well I had chemo number 4 last Friday .....this one has been a little tougher ...I'm getting a bit fed up now ...I need help to get back into my positive pants one 22nd Dec ...which puts a bit of a downer on Christmas ..then last one 5th Jan ...just want it to stop now's everyone else doing??? have a lovely weekend all xxx
Number 4 treatment done ....had enoug... - My Breast Cancer ...
Number 4 treatment done ....had enough now ...need help to carry on !!

Hi, you are doing really well, the end is now in sight. I felt the same as you and when they were struggling to get the cannula in for the last time I felt like saying let’s not bother I’ll just go home now! But that was nearly 6 months ago. I’m now on tamoxifen and waiting for a date for reconstruction. Just remember don’t expect too much of yourself and try and enjoy xmas. You are nearly there. Take care. Lynne. Xx
Hey Lynne how you doing? ....I know the ends is so close ...that's the problem lol ...especially with it being Christmas ...still ive come this far ok ...I can do this last bit legs have been cramping a bit this right? ...I suspect your busy this time of year ....hope your well and happy
Hey got this! Positive pants are on and you're looking great!
There's a you in the not too distant future that's already on the other side of this moment...right now you are experiencing the you that hasn't done it yet... but you will! We're here with you and let me know if you need any more help xx
Thanks for that ,,,I am doing ok ..I'm feeling a bit better this morning ...I got out to do some shopping yesterday a meal out and theatre last night ..The Nativity ,,,was a laugh ....I don't think I have laughed so much since this nightmare began back in June ,,,my legs are aching a bit, I'm wondering if this is normal ...just to stay calm and just take it one step at a time I have been doing ...xxxx
Aw, I really feel for you but please hang on there! I have just finished 6FEC and started radiotherapy. I had a different experience each time. Chemo 3&4 were the worst for me as I just couldn't get out of bed for 4days and my husband had to almost drag me to no 5. That one was fine. The last one was hard as by then I felt ill in the session. The feeling on finishing the whole programme was one of huge relief .
Chemo is very hard both physically and psychologically and your feelings are totally justified. The accumulative effects make it harder as you get towards the end but you can do it. You are braver than you think you are and the end is in sight. In the years to come you will be glad that you stuck with it and everything will be a distant memory. Just focus on the life ahead of you . Take care xx
Dear Jackearls
I remember feeling just the same, in theory you are on the way down the hill as you have passed the half way mark but the last few seem harder. My last one was delayed as I wasn’t well and it took every ounce of my will powere not to walk away from the last one but I didn’t and neither will you because we are determined to do the best we can to fight the beast. Don’t be sad about Christmas, it is really about new bwginnings and it will be for you, you will get well again and if anything like me, love life again, I finished my chemo at the end of August and my radiotherapy at the end of October. I have worked hard at stretching those poor stiff joints every day which really helps and with the help of my Fitbit aim for 10,000 steps every day. Apart from getting tired I feel remarkably well, I was at a Party last night and as I drink so much less now!! Feel good this morning.
Love to you, Lin x