I was diagnosed August 2013, lumpectomy, mastectomy, chemo and then rads. Had reconstruction last June and second stage of recon last week. Suddenly it seems to have hit me that this may not be it - generally really positive so wondered if anyone else feels this way?
Hi, new to site: I was diagnosed August... - My Breast Cancer ...
Hi, new to site

Hi there I am wanting to go down the reconstruction route August time this year how long did it take you to get over a long operation and recovery time etc .....I can imagine that you have doubts I do all the time do I Don,t I . It would be nice not to be in this way. It is hard being positive all the time . Take care xxx
Hi there, sorry for late response, I've had a friend staying to help out since my op last week so have been making the most of the company! I think it depends what type of reconstruction you're planning? It took a good six weeks for the skin on my tummy to really heal and stretch but things do feel better quite quickly. Last week I had more work on my tummy as it was a bit messy, the new nipple and the surgeon was hoping to make them look a bit more equal! I'll see the results tomorrow. Where are you at from treatment? Ask me any questions and I'll be really honest! Thanks for replying to me xx
Hi there thanks for responding. I have an appointment in July to go through my options as I have my son doing his GCSEs (YIKES). My surgeon doesn't believe in implants so it looks like its going to be the tummy. Then I presume all being well a reduction on my remaining breast. I thinks what is bothering me the most is the long operation and having time off from work as I was a bit crazy and worked through chemo and radiotherapy just to prove to everybody that I wasn't going to kick the bucket as 1 month prior to being diagnosed I lost both my Nan and my Dad within 2 weeks of each other so that was a very tough year. xx
How did you manage to work through chemo?! What a brave girl you are but can totally relate to the not giving in bit! I live in my own with grown up kids and I would stay with anyone but did have great friends who came to stay and we had a good time really - I hate to be dependent on anyone! The operation last summer was a long one but remember they aren't touching any organs so although the op took 8 hours, you're not I'll really. It was painful but uncomfortable more than anything and a bit like having a baby, once I put my bra on and filled it I felt it was all worthwhile! Do you have someone to look after you for the first couple of weeks though? You can't stand up straight as skin is removed from your belly which needs to stretch out - it all comes back ok but you will need help! Where are you having surgery? xx
Hiya I think I am having it done in Telford, Shropshire hospital that is where I had the mastectomy and yes my Aunty lives nearby and my son will be finished school by then so he can be a gofer and my hubby will take time off but not too much as he will be on his xbox no doubt!! How long before you could have a bath? I know it sounds crude but I do like a soak!! Did they reconstruct you the same size? Don't think I am being nosy but finally I am getting the real information. Thank you xx
Oh you'll be fine having family around - wasn't sure if you were near to me as I went to the Royal Free in London - I wouldn't recommend it tho! You can't have a bath for at least 6 weeks! You can shower after about a week but sadly it is the disgusting 'strip wash' in between! I had mine last summer during the heatwave so was permanently using baby wipes!! I didn't have much fat at the time of the op as my mum had just passed away in Swansea so I was doing the M4 run every weekend and my daughter was getting married so very stressed! You need plenty of belly so eat for England until your op! I've had to put weight on for this second stage so that the surgeon could boost my new boob! I stayed the same size - 34c but would have liked to be bigger as there should be some perks after all this!! The lovely thing about avoiding implants is that the new boob feels real and normal! xx
Well my advice is make it work for you! It's a lot to go through so make sure you get what you want! Youll be fine as you're positive - it's the best approach! xx
Hi. I had my mastectomy/ tram reconstruction done end of October. I wish I had more of a tummy before as I was very tight after. Walked like an old lady.. I was really pleased with my new boob. i found the stomach was more uncomfortable as I didn't realise that every time you moved it involved your stomach.. Did get stranded like an upside down turtle a couple of times.. Oh and don't be around funny people cause belly laughs hurt too... And it just makes you laugh more.. It is all bearable though and I have found worth it... I had wonderful support, my hubby turned into a domestic goddess, although it's starting to wear off now I'm back on my feet.. Stay positive x
I can relate to the stranded turtle impression!! I have been eating like crazy to put weight on for the op last week and pleased now my boobs are equal - ish!! Trying to stay pos too but have my moments! Lol xx