Hi all, I'm 33 weeks + 3 and just wondering if anyone has had experience with raised ALT and AST levels in their pregnancy?
I started with itchiness all over my body, which is more apparent of an evening time 3 days ago and decided to ring the midwife as my gut told me something didn't seem right and I got told to go for some bloods. My bloods came back with raised AST and ALT with the ALT being the highest however, my bile acid was perfectly fine. I went today to have further blood tests done and currently waiting on a liver scan but I have to go for weekly blood tests to monitor my liver function.
However, up until this point my pregnancy has been fine, my bloods have been fine (28 week routine showed slightly raised levels they weren't too concerned about), my blood pressure is fine and I feel fine within myself so it's completely took me by surprise. Baby is active and his heart rate is spot on although he does like kicking me right where my liver is haha.
Obviously I'm starting to feel very nervous about it all as there is so many things than can cause this and some of which are quite sinister and I'm worried about anything harming the baby and myself so anyones personal experiences would be greatly appreciated!