Sorry for long post.
I got offered a cesarean at the start of my pregnancy due to health reasons by my consultant. when i have asked my midwife and consultant (on pretty much every visit) about my options for birth they have said it was too early to discuss and i should wait till my 36/37 week appointment. I have high levels of anxiety which this hasnt helped with. I have been for my 36/37 week appointment but wasnt my usual consultant and when i tried to ask about the cesarean i was told the hospital would support me whatever i decided but given no information about the risks or benefits of a section and then got dismissed with no further appointments or advice.
My midiwfe arranged for me to have a birth planning meeting which was at the birth centre which when i went to they said they couldnt discuss cesareans as it wasnt thier area and i should ask my midwife at my next appointment not till 17th oct.
I have since been back on mon to hospital for monitoring and asked the receptionist if i was due any other appointments. who then asked how i was giving birth. to which i replied i didnt know as it still hadnt beed discussed with me (im 37 weeks at this point). the receptionist has then advised i ring my midwife asap and ask her to arrange an appointment to see the consultant regarding a section. I now have an 'emergency' appoitnment thurs 11th oct to discusss section and am assuming i will need to give a decision then and there as if i go ahead will need pre assesment and possibly other appointments (i dont know as no-one has explained) before going for the section.
Just wondering if anyone else has had a planned section if there is anything i should be aware of or if anyone knows what appointments im supposed to have? feeling a bit let down by the system at the moment at a time when im already a bag of nerves and emotionally all over the place which is then impacting on my physical health aswell.
Im terrified of either route realise baby has to come out somehow. but less anxious about c-section as atleast i can plan for it rather than having no idea when i will go into labour and then having to phone a freind (i dont drive) to travel 1 1/2hrs to the nearest hospital.
sorry for the long post just hoping for some advice of what to expect from hospital or experience.