i had an unprotected sex on my ovulation day for 3 times but my bf ejaculated outside, I'm expecting my periods on 18th of Aug but I'm getting a lot of cramps,wetness and blotting since 3 days.There is no spotting or anything.I don't get cramps or wetness as such before my periods is due,could i be pregnant?
pregnancy: i had an unprotected sex on... - British Pregnancy...
Hi there,
Even though your boyfriend ejaculated outside of you, there is still sperm in pre-cum so withdrawal is not an effective way to prevent pregnancy. I know you must be anxious, but the best thing to do is to wait and see if your period is delayed in the 18th. If so, you should take a pregnancy test. If this comes back negative but your period still hasn't arrived after a few days, take another test. If this is negative but your period continues to be delayed you should pop down to you GPs or local sexual health clinic and they can do a blood test with you and check if there is anything else going on which might be affecting your cycle.
I hope this helps.
Best wishes,
I got serious vomiting for 5-6 times on 16th of August that led to dehydration followed by injections and saline..Also its too early to test pregnancy as the due date is tomorrow.When can i exactly check for pregnancy after missed period as its shows negative right now?
Hi there,
For the most accurate result, you should wait until the day of you missed period. You can use some very sensitive pregnancy tests before your period is due such as ‘first response’ but unfortunately the results they would give wouldn’t be as accurate as if you waited until your period is due before testing – although I completely appreciate that you must be very anxious to test as soon as possible. There is more information about taking a test from the NHS website: nhs.uk/Livewell/Sexandyoung...
I hope this helps.
Best wishes,
Im now late of my periods by 4-5 days.i tested in the morning and it showed negative.But now i could feel slight tingling in my right breast as well as nausea starts from evening everyday at a particular time till night and sometimes in the morning even..I'm not getting any signs of getting periods as well and when i do some lifting work I'm getting pain in one of the side of abdomen as if i will bleed or something for some time and then it gets back to normal.Please help as if im pregnant i don't want to lose the baby.The nausea feeling is very strong.
Hi there
You really should go and talk through your dates and do a pregnancy test at a clinic, as this is probably an accurate result as your period is now 5 days late.
I hope this helps
Best wishes