The last 2-3 weeks have been absolute hell for me and I really don’t know what to do. I have endometriosis, Raynaud’s and lupus already so I don’t want another illness really to add to the mix but I can’t help think I could have some kind of bowel disease from my symptoms. I have food intolerances (dairy and egg) if I have them I either vomit or have diarrhoea but recently I became constipated for just over a week I had nothing come out and was even struggling to pass wind. My doctor prescribed me laxido and has put them on repeat for me I ended up with diarrhoea from them and I tried to use less but as soon as I use even one sachet less my constipation and struggling to pass wind comes back.
I have intense bloating as well as stomach pains it makes me feel sick and I got to the point where I was nearly passing out due to my symptoms. I went to A&E as told by 111 they gave me an enema, this was last week I’ve had diarrhoea again so tried 3 sachets and all the constipation etc came back this week I have become so much weaker and I’m struggling to stay awake and keep weight on me. I eat mainly a vegan diet sticking to plain foods to relieve my stomach issues I’ve been on soft food/soups mainly since this started but nothing helps me it’s either diarrhoea from laxido or nothing!
Does anyone have any advice I’m really struggling with what to do? I’m used to going every day due to my diet but now it’s like I can’t do anything it’s impacting on my work, studies and I can’t leave the house due to pain. I feel like I’m constantly on the phone to the doctors and getting nowhere!
Leenie x