It's all confusing regarding which bread is best a lot of bread nowadays has high salt, a lot of different breads are advertised for osteoporosis, and also the oxalate and phytates that block calcium absorption, it's all confusing.
best bread for osteoporosis - Bone Health and O...
best bread for osteoporosis

In the UK I would say no commercially produced supermarket bread is good because of all the additives. If gluten is fine for you then sourdough is probably the least processed if you can find one that is just flour, salt, water and the sourdough starter. Ideally organic and if made from spelt flour that's a less processed grain I believe.
Alternatively you could make your own so you can control the ingredients but that takes effort. I am gluten free. Personally I make a 'bread' with oats, seeds and nuts but that will have phytates in. Or I buy this one which has similar ingredients.
The specialist keto breads you can find online that are grain free usually have seeds in so you will still get some phytates. Hopefully someone else will reply with a good alternative, I would be interested too!
what about Ezekiel bread.
I have also read that sourdough is your best choice for minimal phytates c.I use "The Healthy Bones Nutrition Plan" book as a guide. For instance, in that book I learned that just two days in the sun, mushrooms will absorb more vitamin D for consumption.
hi! Just to say I’ve got a breadmaker and make my own so I know exactly what’s in mine.
I have no idea on bread I prefer brown bread but I don’t eat that much bread and can’t have brown now with my ileostomy so white bread does not have the same appeal. I don’t think that much about food for the bones as I get my calcium and vitamin D from my almond milk.
Anyway Radars I just wanted to wish you a happy Christmas I hope you have a lovely day with your sister x