I had a cortisone injection for my knee . It was fine for 9 day then it all came back again.so now I'm back to square one so disappointed. Ime icing and doing some exercise and flexiqe any ideas would be much appreciated..very difficult hurts to walk when I take my dog out realy want to avoid operation not that I've been told that going to have physio but have to wait till July .
Knee arthritis : I had a cortisone... - Bone Health and O...
Knee arthritis

My knee is feeling a bit off at the moment and I bought an elastic aged ‘sleeve’ sort of thing to wear. It definitely helps and I think it must generate which must helps my knee because it certainly sorts out the discomfort. I don’t wear it all the time though. I bought it from Amazon - Actessa make - I bought a large size so it isn’t at all tight. Might be worth trying that in the short term.
Have you tried prolotherapy? Specifically prolozone injections? I have no experience of it as yet but am bearing it in mind for sacral pain I have. Only trouble is it’s in Bedford although they’re meant to have a London base:prohealthclinic.co.uk/treat...
Good luck!
Hi Dextersam10, I wondered if you might get more replies from people on the HU osteoarthritis site.
Hi Dextersam. Sorry to hear your problem is back already and you have to wait for physio. They should send you a link so you can start exercises on line that's what they did for me. I waited nearly a year for a guided cortisone in my knee which I had 10 days ago. I had what they called a flare up after the injection for 8 days. I was in agony, had face burning feeling sick pains in right side of my back and still couldn't walk. I would not be having another one any more it will be a knee replacement next. I still have pain on the right inside of knee, not as bad but it is still there certain ways I move but I can walk better now. I am 70 years old. I hope you feel better soon.