Back in October was diagnosed with severe Osteoporosis, fractured a vertebrae stood at the kitchen sink. My T-scores were -2.7 hip and 4.8 spine. I was diagnosed over the phone following a Dexa scan. I was so shocked as this was all out of the blue. The doctor prescribed me Alendronic Acid. As I had little information from my GP who did not seem to know a lot about Osteoperosis I went to see a Rhuemetologist privately. He looked at all my recent blood tests and my Dexa results and told me all about OP . He told me that before any diagnosis of OP is made I should have had blood tests for Myeloma and parahyroid. He gave me a letter to give to my GP to request the tests, the myleoma one is a SPEP test. My GP gave me the blood tests and a and Bence Jones test urine test. When I got the results the SPEP test was missing but GP reassured me that all my tests were normal and so was the unrine test which would indicate myeloma.My Vit D3 was reaaly low (66) so my blood tests would be repeated in 4 months time. When the time came I rang GP for the blood forms, it was a different GP and he added the SPEP test. I got the results and the SPEP test is is not normal
Serum Total Protein Below Range 6.1gl (66.0 -87.0)
Serum Protein Electrophoresis (Immune paresis present)
Serium Paraprotein level (44mb) No paraprotein detected
I rang the GP and had a very bizarre conversation with him. This GP has been a doctor for around 40 years and he had no idea what the results of the SPEP test indicated. He said it could not be myeloma because my Serum Protein level was low, and it would be high in Myeloma not low. When I asked him what would cause the Serum Total Protein to be low he didn't know, nor did he know what Immune Paresis present means. I persisted and eventually he told me to hold on. I could hear him pressing buttons so assumed that he was looking it up on the internt LOL he was ages then came back and said he would make me an urgent appointment at the hospital as there was a remote chance that it could be Myeloma. The appointment came through yesterday for 21st March so not long to wait.
I was so upset I spoke to the Myeloma UK specialist nurse and she said:-
One of the tests carried out is to identify an abnormal protein (paraprotein) if this is evident it may mean that the total protein count is higher than it should be. I note that your total protein level is a little lower than normal and there is no evidence of paraprotein which is good news as around 80% of people with myeloma have paraprotein. It is also encouraging that your full blood count results and your kidney function blood tests were normal, these results are often negatively affected in myeloma.
Immune paresis means that some of the normal immunoglobulins (antibodies) produced in the bone marrow are lower than they should be. This can have a range of causes and warrant further investigation.
So I have an anxious wait to see what is going on. I am alternating between being convinced it will not be myeloma to despairing and thinking that it is
The point of this post is to tell people not to accept a diagnosis of Osteoperosis with out having all the relevant tests done to rule out secondary osteoperosis or myeloma which mimics OP, Insist until you are blue in the face. I am convinced at that GP's do not know much about anything to do with the bones apart from when you break one! It is a funny old world I was devastated when I was diagnosed with severe Osteoperosis and have had to go on antideppresents, now I am praying that it IS osteoperosis and not myeloma. I wonder how many other people in the UK are sat there with a diagnosis of Osteperosis that have not had any tests to look for other causes and are sat there not knowing. Shameful! Hope everybody is keeping well.