Hi All, I am on another couple of forums. But I've joined this one because I'm not to clear on this condition called Osteoperosis. Now I've had it for over 5yrs,but I must say I've never known any problem with it. I used to have the 6 monthly injections,and had no problem at all.
Then in May I broke my arm in a fall,the fall I had would have broken anyone's arm,so I did not put it down to Osteoperosis. Well come July I was due another injection but when they knew I broke my arm,I was told I couldn't have it no more,because it was doing no good. Now take into consideration anyone would have broke an arm,the way I fell on slabs. So I was given Forsteo (Teriparatide) injections to take every day.
After a couple of months I noticed my stomach pain had got worse,( I suffer chronic stomach pain) so I discussed this with my nurse,and she said to leave them off for a while,so I started them back up just after Christmas,but my stomach was unbearable,so she said leavethem off completely,until she could see me,which will be March.
Not knowing the sighns of Osteoperosis,I don't know if taking nothing at the moment is the effect of some of the suffering I'm now having. E.g. Pain in the top of my left leg,after watching TV at night,when I go to bed,my hubby has to help me,my legs turn to jelly and won't hold me,also pain in my shoulders,but only at bed time too.
Could anyone advise me on how it feels to suffer with Osteoperosis as I have no idea,I just know my body hasn't been right since they stoped my 6monthly injections.
Sorry for the long post,I was just trying to be as clear as I can. I am grateful for any information you can give me.