This was posted in the American Bone Health community. With permission, I'm sharing this useful suggestion here:
Medical Emergency Information - Bone Health and O...
Medical Emergency Information
Thanks for this - a useful reminder to be prepared.
Very good idea Heron. I read somewhere last week that a huge % of people who attended A&E had no idea at all of what drugs they were taking when they went in.
At least I could remember when I was asked what I was taking when I broke my wrist but I hadn’t a clue what quantities I was taking - so I wrote it all down on a card and keep it in my purse now.
Thank HeronNS good reminder!
Members might be interested in the UK message in the bottle scheme.
The Lions, Message In a Bottle scheme is a simple idea designed to encourage people to keep their personal and medical details on a standard form and in a common location – the fridge. The bottle is kept in the fridge, where the emergency services will be able to find it in the event of being called to your home.
Posy White
That's better than the bottle for more active people - information always 'with you' Think I'll look into that idea, thank you.
Posy White
Thanks Heron. It is only recently that I have bought a bright orange card holder in which I now keep my pacemaker card, anticoagulant alert card, copy of my repeat prescriptions and family telephone numbers. All my family and close friends know about this card holder which is usually in my bag or pocket to be given to medics in an emergency. It is very visible and easily located. I think it important.