I recently had a dexa scan because of my age (66), & was shocked to learn that I have osteopenia. Iv`e done everything right, got vitamin D, exercise & plenty of calcium, so what did I do wrong?
Why do I have osteopenia?: I recently... - Bone Health and O...
Why do I have osteopenia?

We need magnesium, boron & vitamin K2 to produce new bone. Do you eat or supplement with these to prevent calcium being directed to our arteries? Do you drink a lot of coffee? Do you have osteopenia in your family history?
I drink 4 cups of caffeinated coffee a day. I don`t know my family history as far as osteopenia is concerned, but there`s no history of fractures in my past or in my family.
Perhaps cut down on your coffee intake.
There's information on this website that might be helpful: saveinstitute.com
Hello Hairyfairy. I wouldn't worry unduly about osteopenia unless you've fractured, as it's normal to lose some bone density as we age and it's easier to reverse osteopenia without meds than it is osteoporosis. Do you have it in your spine, hips or both? What are your t-scores and z-scores? BadHare mentions the other supplements that will help, plus exercising with weights and/or resistance bands (building up slowly) is known to build bone. If you haven't fractured, you may also be able to introduce jogging, hopping, jumping and skipping, but if you're not able to do those, heel drops and stomping are also great exercises for the bones. There's some good info here: theros.org.uk/information-a...
You’ve probably done nothing wrong, the scores for osteopenia compare our bone density with that of a 30 year old. As I understand it no account is taken of the natural aging process !! Our ancestors knew nothing of deca scans and just got on with life. Personally I’d suggest you have a look at the Facebook group dedicated to vitamin d deficiency in the U.K. I have emails from the American site mentioned above but their regime is based on an alkaline diet which I found very difficult and restricting. Might be ok if you don’t like food and socialising!!!!
In addition to caffeine, I would also add soda pop (carbonated beverages) to the list to avoid. I agree that the scan results compare our bones to what someone decided they would have been at age 30. They are not going to be the same for a 66-year old. Please be encouraged that what you have been doing has helped, because although your bone density has decreased, it is only in the range of what "they" consider osteopenia. Keep doing what you are doing, with the addition of the minerals that support and direct the calcium, as well as the exercises suggested. Also, your doctor should supply you with your test results.
I have be diagnosed the same I am 62yrs I fracture 3 vertebrae before Christmas didn’t know I had just had back pain so I went doctors in January Had X-ray then advised for sects scan I have always thought my diet would be good and exercise also started ct5k in January. Going to a pain rehab clinic but feel positive that I can cope with it. Good luck
I was first diagnosed with osteopenia at age 60, fractured 3 vertebrae plus my sacrum last year. Went through extensive testing, and given the sheer number of variables, it is very challenging to establish a reasonable cause.
I would honestly admit that there are variables such as alcohol consumption that can play a role but are often dismissed so one should look carefully at all lifestyle factors.
I fractured due to the rebound effect of Prolia, but have completely stabilized on Forteo and careful consideration of everything I ingest. Dietary factors play a significant role, and it's a great place to start. I wish you good health and a fracture free future.
Make sure there is no medical reason for bone thinning. Risk factors include more than exercise and nutrition, but medications, possibly problems with the parathyroid glands, perhaps other things can also contribute. But slight bone thinning is normal as we age. If a scan is to be done it's important that the doctor and the patient receive the full report and understand the results. Took me months to get the results for my first scan. Had been told osteoporosis by my GP, but in fact it was "low bone mass" aka "osteopenia".