Whilst looking for a weight bearing exercise that I can do. Came across stamping your feet. Has anyone tried this?
Stomping for bone health: Whilst... - Bone Health and O...
Stomping for bone health

My original post disappeared, computer error. I try to remember to jump up and down several times a day. Yogabonnie posted about heel drop exercises a while back. I do those also when I remember.
Probably not for everyone but I am in good health despite osteoporosis.
If i did i would break my metatarsals.
Yes I’ve heard about this before. Don’t think it would be a good idea though if you’ve vertebral fractures.
My understanding is that it's jumping that's not a good idea if you have a high T score in your spine but stamping is okay. So I've been stamping around my house for 3 days now off and on lol. If any of my neighbours see me they'll be wondering what I'm doing but I'm willing to try anything within reason to help my bones.
I do Zumba which involves some stamping but I modify my steps if I feel they are too strong because I have two thoracic compression fractures. I also avoid twists and revolve movements.
Hi, I also attend two Zumba classes (I have spinal fractures) a week and really enjoy them and feel energised after. I do not jump or circle but otherwise do the same as the rest of mixed age class. I am 74. The youngest probably in 30's
Hi I’ve only just read your message, it’s good to know someone else is finding Zumba helpful. I am also 74 and one of the oldest in the class, but like you I modify some of the moves and always enjoy them and feel energised afterwards. Keep dancing.