We can work on it by: implementing exercise each day, changing our diet to suit our own circumstances and get better sleep - all so challenging for me when faced with the recommendation of restructuring hip surgery that failed, and chronic acid reflux. So, I am treading cautiously in every way possible, keeping positive and helping others to laugh! Now, I must get on my treadmill. Cheers!
Improved Bone Health Without Drugs! - Bone Health and O...
Improved Bone Health Without Drugs!

100% I’m with you there!
I don't disagree with exercise, especially weight bearing, and diet being main ingredients to strong bones, if the body also has adequate vitamins and minerals, especially calcium and vitamin D. I am planning to have hip replacement surgery next of next month, because My life has been compromised and xrays confirm the need.
I had a failed bicep surgery 2 years ago, and I am now into 9 months of jaw bone deterioration (osteonecrosis) that began after my 3rd injection of Prolia and having a tooth crack and needing extraction. I thought my ONJ condition was ended, but just 2 weeks ago a 1/3 inch piece of dead bone was pulled from my jaw. YES, I am VERY scared. I pray the jaw does not not continue to die. Doctors cannot say - they don't know. I have become a case study!!! I am going to forge ahead with the hip surgery before my bones disintegrate. and if it is successful, I will begin walking distances again. I plan to walk, walk, walk and lift weights, which probably won't exceed 10 pounds since I have now have one arm with no working bicep!!!
I'm not giving up. The doctor wants to put me on Forteo to prevent the Prolia rebound, but I am so far refusing - NO MORE DRUGS is my current plan.
I hope your luck changes and things work out well for you. Keep a positive attitude!
Very best wishes.
You have to take something after orolia or very likrly to get vertebral rebound fractures. Forteo is dangerous and short term and may not wirk after Prolia . I took actonel for 2 years after Prolia. Now off it.against doctors sdvicr because my bones are the" worst "any one has seen...but do not want a fractured femur or osteonecrosis of jaw.
Hi are you taking any osteoporosis medication now? Have you had any fractures since stopping. I wish i had never started on Prolia but the Doctor frightened me so much about the state of my bones although i have never fractured. I don't want anymore of these drugs. I was ok on first injection but second one i felt bad but had a 3rd against my better judgement. I don't want anymore horrible side effects.
I feel in the same boat as you, my Doc told me as I can’t take alendronic acid I will have to have the injections. I already have a T9 fracture & am in constant pain. I would far rather avoid any more drugs & try a natural approach. Your story breaks my heart. Good luck xxx
Dear A&F,
Thank you for responding under such stressful circumstances. I stopped taking Prolia in fear of osteonecrosis and the need to do constructive dental work, which is 85% completed, but I'm still very sceptical about the three Polia injections that I also received.
Just like yourself, I definitely did not go ahead with Forteo (this I believe is a MONEY game - just as it is with family doctors and pharmaceutical companies, surgeons alike).
I was recently given a surgical proposition to do a complete HIP(L) replacement, once again. The first operation was a total failure because I'm now "permanently physically disabled," the real reason being negligence of the hospital in that the fracture should have ben undertaken many, many hours before the work was done; and grab a hold of this, the surgeon who told me that I'd never be any different, did so after the two years Statute of Limitations, calculating that I'd not now be able to sue. One mistake with such surgery was one too many, but because my good hip is now being put under tremendous stress and my balance is at jeopardy, I will seek a second opinion. The surgeon who performed the original surgery was actually "forced to be let go" a year ago, and the one who took over in the six-monthly checkups, was honest about the seriousness of his proposition to repeat the process - it (his intonation of "serious replacement" chilled me to the bone and my response within seconds was: "thank you, but no thank you........I have a solution!" (I grabbed his written prescription for a "lift" for all of my footwear for the leg that is currently shorter than the other...........and it helps me to be "on the go!" May I suggest that you get a second opinion from a surgeon who specializes EXCLUSIVELY in hip replacements. Oh for a surgeon like that of Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth's husband, who at the age of 95 had his second replacement(s) only last year and, I understand, is walking without a cane!
Try and cool your frustration so as to preserve your energy; and, above all, try not to be afraid with the onset of osteonecrosis. The scary part is not knowing what lies ahead and the best thing for you to do is to be kept fully informed as to how you tread on water! Definitely stay off drugs since they alone can affect your immune system. Thousands of people have died from the use of prescriptions, but........... NO-ONE has lost their life to natural medicine. Stay calm, sleep well and let your dreams come true...... being truly alert of this money, money world that we exist in! You are not alone. All the very best!