Hi! I am recently diagnosed with Osteoporosis. My GP says it’s a mild case. I have tried Fosomax and Boniva but I have esophageal reflux and couldn’t tolerate either. He now suggests Prolia but the possible side affects are scary. I am very active, do regular cardiac and weight bearing exercises. I am looking for other options to increase my bone density.
Osteosporosis meds: Hi! I am recently... - Bone Health and O...
Osteosporosis meds

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You are only recently diagnosed and you've already tried two medications and there is suggestion for a third? Did your doctor give you any guidance whatsoever regarding nutrition, supplements and appropriate exercise? How severe is the OP? Do you know your t-scores?
Yes, I was prescribed the meds after being diagnosed with Osteopenia 3 yrs ago. I have received instructions on supplements which I am currently taking. Please note my T scores mentioned above. Thank you for your response and I will check out the reference. I am trying to make as informed decision as possible. So any suggestions are appreciated.
Hello Shortcake7115. I'm really puzzled why you were prescribed medication for osteopenia, unless you have other health conditions that made this imperative. Did you take either of the meds for any length of time, or did you try both and stop them because they didn't agree with you? I note that you're also taking Protonix, a proton pump inhibitor (PPI), which is known to potentially cause bone thinning in the long term! As MWZ3 has pointed out, your current t-scores are only just osteoporotic, so unless you've had low impact fractures, I'm still not sure why you would be prescribed medication, unless it's to compensate for the effects of the Protonix. Would it be worth asking for a full review with your GP (or maybe a 2nd opinion from a different one), to look at any possible alternatives to PPIs and maybe ask for a couple more years to combat bone loss the "natural" way - diet (rich in calcium), weight-bearing exercise, maybe a weighted vest and supervised resistance training/slow weights, and supplements (especially D3, K2, and magnesium if you can tolerate it). There are also other supplements that claim to build bone, for example red sage, boron (I think you can get this by eating 6 prunes a day), taurine and most recently in the news, CBD oil (the latter is very expensive though). And it might also be helpful to give the National Osteoporosis Society nurses a call: freephone 0808 800 0035, Mon - Fri, 9-5; or email nurses@nos.org.uk.
Have a read of this: healthunlocked.com/pmrgcauk...
Have you tried sorting out reflux with probiotics or foods such as kefir? If you get your gut function sorted would it help you tolerate Fosamax? Prolia seems a bit extreme. When your doctor says, 'a mild case' what does that mean? What are your T-scores?
Hi shortcake, I presume you had a dexa scan so it is your right to obtain a copy of the report. You can ask a receptionist at your surgery to print a copy off for you. You do need to know your T and Z scores.
I am interested as to what the trigger was for you to be referred for a DEXA.
Have you been been prescribed a Calcium/vit D? Or only Vitamin D if you have enough calcium in your daily diet? If you only have a "mild" case I wonder why your GP has introduced you to OP medication or was this mentioned in your DEXA report that it was advisable to do so.
It would help if you could tell us a little more about your diagnosis of osteoporosis and we can help you more.
Thanks for responding. I have had a DEXA. My T score for my spine is -2.59 and my hip -2.58 below peak bone mass. I take Calcium 1200mg daily and Vit. D3 daily.
I was diagnosed with osteopenia 3yrs ago. At that time I was prescribed Boniva, then fosamax and could not tolerate either. Therefore, my Internist has suggested Prolia. However, due to the side effects I’m looking for other options. I appreciate any suggestions.
That is barely into the osteoporosis range and I would be just having vitamin K2, magnesium and D3 after blood tests but K2 is necessary to aim the calcium onto the bones. Then look at your diet. Have yoghurt, leafy greens other vegetable and fruit, bony broth, prunes, avocados, etc. They are not bad scores at all and medication is a bit extreme when you can deal with that with diet and exercise and the needed supplements. Remember K2 is the big important one!
Your T scores are just below the OP "cut off" point but I note that in three years you have gone from osteopenia to osteoporosis. I presume you did not take the Fosomax and Boniva for any length of time due to the side effects for you. As others are saying, can you take a look at your diet, exercise and supplement regime and see what changes you can make there.
Are you in the UK?
I was offered Prolia but refused because of the possible side effect of bone pain asIi suffer that every day due to arthritis. The doctor I see twice a year for my OP was ok with my decision and did add that on discontinuing the Prolia/ rebound vertebral fractures can occur and one has to continue to take another OP drug. I am due another DEXA soon. I was "happy" to take Strontium Ranelate but that was unfortunately withdrawn last year. Since April I no longer take an OP drug.
Hello good morning all. I have been diagnosed with Osteoporosis in hips is 86% I have been given only vitamins c.
I am on strong painkillers due to spinal injury. Accident 20 yrs ago.
Am 48-49 this year.
So you have not been prescribed Calcium/Vitamin D tablets? Or Vitamin D only after discussing with your doctor that you take enough calcium daily in your diet?
I am sorry to hear you are on strong painkillers due to a spinal injury.
No Dr HAS given me chewable vitamin C.
I try to eat healthy I do eat meat, green vegetables and full fat milk, lucky for me I am underweight, however still suffering pain in hips, knees and lumber spine. Also suffer with osteopenia it’s getting me down. 😞
I take supplements of Vitamin D, I have enough calcium in my daily diet, K2, magnesium, boron or eat 6 prunes a day, cod liver oil. I have my Vitamin D levels checked twice a year and my result is good each time. I exercise and walk every day.I drink kefir.
Do you know your T scores? In one message you mention you have osteopenia and another that you have osteoporosis. It is a good idea to always keep a copy of your DEXA scan report with T and Z scores. It is your right.
Hello All again,
My T score 2014,
says Total spinal T Score now is -1.2 hip bone T score is -2.2 and neck of femur T score also-2.2 Total spin
they go on on say probability of fracture risk 7.9%
hip fracture risk 2.0%
I don't really know what that means, but i am Only 48/49 in sept so i am guessing thats not good ??????
Are you in the UK?
I am in the US
yes in south east England, just outside london
As you are in the UK (I live in the SE, near London too) you could always give the NOS helpline a call and chat with a nurse. Freephone 0808 800 0035, Mon - Fri, 9-5.
Hi Kaarina ,
Thank you for your help today I called the nurse she explained everything to me. T score wise now . Lol
It’s not as bad as I thought . Always look on the brighter side. Lol
Thanks again for your help
Have a fabulous day 💐
A pleasure, MrsVibez. Yep, always look for positives, I do!
It is great that you used the helpline today. It is a brilliant free service and the NOS is a wonderful charity. Sometimes it is just so much more helpful to speak with someone than only post on this forum.
You too, have a lovely day. I am in the process of making two Genoa cakes.
Hi kaarina. Ohhh don’t tell my husband, we ❤️ a bit of Fruit cake .
Enjoy 😊
He he! My daughter, nearly four year old granddaughter and son love this cake, as we do! My late mother loved it too and she said after a piece of Genoa cake she was able to tackle things that she was not so looking forward to doing!
Hi Kaarina, wish i was a cake baker, i can cook nt really done much cake naking maybe i will try, have to find a recipe. Your Mother sounds like a very wise woman of the world
I only make very basic cakes. Cannot do fancy icing or that kind of thing. I am waiting for the fruit buns that i am making to rise a little more on the trays and then I can pop them in the oven and when ready brush them with sugar water to make them look nicer. My husband loves these and has one a day! It has been nice for me to have a few whole free days this week to do some baking/cooking.
Try making a cake! Makes the home smell divine! I freeze the buns and the cakes too, although we both sampled the Genoa cake yesterday and I kept a big slice for today too. My mother was a very wise woman!
I believe we all get wiser with age.
Hello Mrs Vibez. How was the osteoporosis diagnosed? Did you have a DEXA scan, and if so, what are your T-scores? I'm not sure what you mean by 86% osteoporosis in your hips, and I'm very puzzled why you would be prescribed Vit C for this! If you can tell us any more, people on this forum may have some suggestions for you, but in any event I suggest you phone the National Osteoporosis Society nurses: freephone 0808 800 0035, Mon - Fri, 9-5, or you can email them if you prefer on nurses@nos.org.uk.
I believe I have confused Vit c with Calcium chewable tabs. Very sorry 😐
Ah, that makes more sense. No Vitamin D has been prescribed? This is important for bones.
Get onto HRT. That is the best advice I can give you. Do it before your doctors won't allow you to take it. I'm 70 years old and begged doctors to give me HRT for a few years. Have now found a doctor who has agree to let me take them...I've never felt better in my life. I, too, have osteoporosis, and my bones will become strong now that i'm on it.
I will look up my T score. I will get back to you soon
Hi Shortcake7115
I wish I had never accepted Prolia. My GP administered but never mentioned the possible impact upon my immune system. Prolia compromised my immune system leading to several Shingles episodes so my current doctor felt a short video medicine vacation was called for in order to allow my immune system to recover. Four months into the vacation, I experienced compression fractures of 6 vertebrae. I now have flat back syndrome which has resulted in severe mobility restrictions.
Thsoe drugs should all be taken off the market, I believe. They are all dangerous and have horrible side effects. Fosamax can cause jaw fractures, etc. I take HRT for my bones...never felt better in my life!
Not a particularly helpful comment for those that have no option but to take an OP drug. I am pleased for you that you have never felt better on HRT and hope it is helping with your OP too. HRT may well not be suitable for everyone diagnosed with OP and as you found out, it is not every doctor that will prescribe it. All medication has possible side effects including HRT.
Vacation from Prolia. Excuse the auto correct.
I couldn't take those either, Shortcake7115. The doctor wanted me to try Reclast...but no way! Side effects scared me. I have osteoporosis and am 70 years old. I finally convinced my doctor to let me take estradiol northethrine. LOVE IT!!! I feel like a million dollars..where once I could barely get off my couch. I know..I know..I've heard of the breast cancer scares, etc., but I think they're overstated, as the big study that was done a few years ago scared most women away from HRT...me, too! Now, though, I'm glad to have it. Ask your doctor about it. I know they do not like to prescribe these, but that thinking should change!
Hi shortcake I'm pretty much a novice on here but Kaarina and nanaeduke gave me a lot of helpful advice and tips, where I have a similarity with you is I suffered heartburn and indigestion treated by lansaprazol, so when diagnosed with OP I was dreading taking it due the heartburn etc not a problem with that but bone pain instead, I read lots on this forum very helpful too but I continued with AA to give it a chance after speaking with the OP nurses well I think this week will be my seventh week and all the side effects have gone so far, but the prolia is very extreme I have similar scores, I would at least try AA as long as you drink lots of water and follow instructions you should be OK and just to say unless the effects are unbearable I would say to give it at least four weeks for your immune system to get used to it good luck and I really hope it works for you x
Yes sorry shortcake. My daughter rang mid post! 😀👍
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