Hi! I'm new to this so to introduce myself....I'm 38, living in Nottinghamshire and have osteoporosis. There is no support group nearby so I thought I'd give this a try.
Hi!: Hi! I'm new to this so to... - Bone Health and O...

Hi Lulet
There is a Nottingham OP Support branch group but perhaps that is nowhere near you. I have to take two buses to get to my local group but really enjoy going so make the effort. The meetings tend to be in the day so if you are working you may not have been able to attend a support group anyway.
Welcome to the group. Any questions, then fire away and we will try to help.
Thankyou! The Nottingham support group is 2 hours away! A train, tram and bus ride! I do work, but only part time. I'd really like some info on lifestyle and exercise for younger people with osteoporosis. The leaflets I was given were suitable for some aged 70 or above or already partially disabled. My consultant gave me a small amount of advice, but I have felt somewhat lost for many years now.
Yes, that is just a little too far!
Why not call the NOS helplines and chat to a nurse or have you already done that? You are young to have been dx with OP. Have you fractured? Walking is good, I have joined a walking group. I enjoyed tai chi which is good for balance until our wonderful teacher more too far away to continue the class. The teacher got a good DVD for me before she left and I use that every day. Slow weights is another option if you can anywhere local to you that does this. Pilates or yoga but you have to find a teacher ideally who is OP aware.
Hopefully more members will reply shortly.
Thankyou! I have recently found a great Pilates instructor who specialises in Pilates for people with health issues, I'm hoping that building my core strength will help to support my bones. I have only had one fracture that was not caused by things that would fracture bones in everyone! But I think I have been very lucky!
I'm on the Notts/Derbys border, I wonder if we attend the same hospital?
Hmmm, wonder if that's a specific consultant or maybe I'll be there next time. I last went around Christmas....had yours moved then?
Hi, I am 72 and recently diagnosed. What a shock to learn I had fractured two vertebrae just my bowling outdoors which I have done for years but sadly no longer do. My spine readingis -4.3 and hip and neck -1.7. I am lactose intolerant so this has contributed to osteoporosis. I can't seem to get any advice on exercise from my doctor other than don't do my yoga class, just walk your dogs! I have always been very active and find it difficult to know what exercise I can do without doing any more damage. I am not going to take the AA I have been prescribed but am being treated by a herbalist. I am upping my calcium intake, taking calcium, magnesium and boron supplements, tahini, avocado, nuts, fruit and seeds in a smoothie each day and some yogurt, cheese and milk which cause congestion but feel I must try some dairy. When first diagnosed a month ago I was shocked and worried but glad I know so I can work on getting better. Am afraid to cycle but will step up on the walking and gentle gardening and perhaps try a dance class.
Hi Ginny,
What a shock for you. I am sorry. Regarding the cycling. It is not weight-bearing but still exercise and one can get from A to B faster than walking! The problem is if one is jolted or worse still fall off the bike. Tai chi is recommended. I enjoy it but it is not to everyone's taste. Dancing may be fine, depending what type you are considering doing.
Walking appears to be the best all round exercise for OP, a brisk walk being the best but any walking is good. Even standing is better than sitting/lying down. I have joined a local walking group which is free and I enjoy that. I walk loads every day but it is nice to walk with others sometimes. There is the option of a long and short walk but I do the latter. The speed of the walkers on the long walk is too fast for me!
Have you had your Vit D levels tested? If not ask your doctor for this.
Do let us know how you get on. It is early days for you since your diagnosis but you have been very proactive already. Power to you.
Hi Kaarina
Thanks for your advice. I have walked 1.5 miles this morning and then did another .5 miles to see my chickens. I probably do about 3 miles a day but after my brisk walk today, feel as though I have pulled a muscle! I will have a bath later which should help. I will look into Tai Chi as that is gentle exercise. Thank you.
Hi Ginny,
Sounds good walking about 3 miles per day. How lovely, having chickens. I go by steps accomplished rather than distance. I use a pedometer and usually do 10,000 - 17,000 steps per day. There are different types of Tai Chi. I follow something similar to this type of tai chi: youtube.com/watch?v=O6kk42c... I used to attend a lovely class once a week, but unfortunately the teacher moved far away. She got a dvd for me which I now follow every day. I could not find another class locally that was anywhere near the same or as good.
I understand your worry/concern regarding exercising because you did not fall to fracture or that is how i understand it from your postings.
You are being very sensible and getting on with it in a remarkably organised way. I congratulate you.
Ha ha.... I replied to the wrong post....sorry!