Hi I'm new. I had breast cancer in 2011. After the op I had 6 rounds of TAC chemo which included the red devil and had steroids then ten years of tamoxifen then letrozole hormone tablets. A few years ago I had a dexi scan and thought nothing of it. However my GP has recently referred me for another one to investigate oesteoporosis. I was asked by booking nurse when she rang if I use a walking stick, which I don't. However when I get up to walk I take a while to straighten up and at end if day my back aches especially in the small of my back. I have not complained to GP though. After my chemo I noticed I had developed lumbar scoliosis and lost an inch in my height. I wish I had been warned of these problems earlier so I could have changed things with my diet. I don't particularly want medication with all it's side affects again. Slightly worried having dexi scan end if month.
Hi I'm new. I had breast cancer and... - Bone Health and O...
Hi I'm new. I had breast cancer and all adjuvant treatment facing side affects.

I've had a similar experience but was taking osteoporosis meds before my breast cancer. I continued with them after cancer treatment (5 years now). The oncologist advised I changed from alendronate to ibandronate which would be better with the tamoxifen but otherwise I've kept on with the osteo meds. Compared to chemo and radio treatment it's a breeze! I must say I generally feel fine and life has not changed much for me. I have less energy these days (tamoxifen? Ibandronate? Old age? ) and a lot of stiffness some days but I do some pilates exercises which helps (especially with early morning back stiffness). I have slight scoliosis (nothing to do with the ostoporosis) and have lost some height in the last 10 years. I go to pilates once a week (my instructor tailors exercises to my osteoporosis), do lots of gardening and walking. Some people find the osteo meds side-effects to be too much but I honestly haven't had much of a problem. The alternative (spinal fractures etc) are surely far worse. I would discuss all this with your medical practitioner. It's okay to come off many osteo meds anyway, so I would give it a go and try not to worry. You have been through a lot and so the idea of more treatment must be daunting. However, you can't ignore the problem and you might find it's not as bad as you fear. Do let us know how you get on, fingers crossed for you!

Thank you

I totally agree with you regarding the pros of Osteoporisis medicine x spinal fratures. As I sad here before my own doc has taken it.
Would be better without, but as we have osteoporosis installed it is good to count with the science development to help us.

Hi mathematics ,
Just wanted to wish you the warmest welcome to our community It sounds like you have had to go through many difficult health events over the years so it's really understandable feeling worried about your upcoming scan as you mentioned. So, we just wanted to make sure you were aware of the information and support we have on our website. In particular, we have lots of resources (including videos) about being diagnosed with osteoporosis: theros.org.uk/information-a...
and about breast cancer treatments and osteoporosis: theros.org.uk/information-a...
Wishing you all the best, and thank you for joining us here
ROS Moderator
Welcome and so sorry you have had so much illness. DEXA scan will show up if you have Osteoporosis, how badly and then the treatment.Unfortunately, Osteoporosis does quite often cause height loss, I have lost about 5 inches now but my family, friends and myself just make fun of it!
As for Scoliosis, I have suffered that for many years and had many operations on my back by my marvellous Neurosurgeon.
Keep smiling and try to be positive as hard as it may be. Good luck.
Thank you sorry to hear you have lost 5 inches. My daughter has double scoliosis and was offered an operation but the curve was complicated so we went down the exercise route and as she got a degree in vocal studies and is now a peripatetic teacher her voice would have been ruined as they would have gone through her diaphragm. However it all depends on the person and their scoliosis curve. Take care
Thank you, very interesting. I have metalwork holding up 50% of my spine which is crumbling. Next May Neurosurgeon going to extend metalwork up to my neck then in a body and neck brace for 6 months . My problem is that my Osteoporosis has caused my spine to crumble and the op next year will hopefully keep me out of a wheelchair. I always think positively even at the age of 80 as I can look back on a very active and happy life when I have been an Adrenaline "Junkie"!! Life is for living
It is so difficult when you have a diagnosis of breast cancer to think of anything else, so don't be hard on yourself. You can still do thing to slow down further bone loss, such as exercise, diet and medication.
My mother had osteoporosis and lost height and she managed to walk almost every day and live independently until well into her late 80s, in spite of losing much of her eyesight.
Doing exercises to strengthen muscles to help balance and core muscles are important too.
Getting a clear picture of what is happening with your bones will help you going forward. xx