Hi I'm 49 years old and I have scheuermans disease of my spine and Kyphoscoliosis and also Osteoporosis and Osteonecrossis.
I'm high risk of spinal fractures and increased risk of pelvic and femur fractures. I had to have four bones removed from my left hand and also has surgery to shave my elbow.
In 2012 I was on the pathway to have titanium rods attached to my spine, unfortunately I was turned down for the surgery as my spine wasn't stable enough to support the metal work needed. Surprisingly during the MRI scans and CT scans it was noted that both my jaw joints had died and were crumbling away and a diagnosis of Avascular Necrosis was given. I also have many other medical health problems and one of my main health problems is Emphysema and flattened diaphragm due to the Scheuermans disease and the kyphoscolliosis.
In March 2015 I underwent a 6 hour operation to replace both my jaw joints with titanium implants. The operation was a success. I now have Dexa scans every 2 years and I also have an injection every 26 weeks to help increase the bone density, the injection is called Denosumab or another name is Prolia.
I also take adcal D-3 twice a day and I also use a wheelchair.
Does anyone else have the same as me