Hello everyone,
For context, see my previous post: healthunlocked.com/bluefaer...
My stepmother, who I've decided is the Evil Queen from Snow White, continues to shut me out. The few times I've been able to speak to my father, he sounds weak, tired, and done with life. He didn't expect, "the process to be so lengthy." Mind you, his father died from lung cancer. His brother died from lung cancer. He's read my book about my sister's journey (note: not his daughter) with liver cancer. I told him fighting cancer is a full-time job and a f**king slog.
After months of (what I believe to be) immunotherapy for his lung cancer, he is scheduled for surgery on April 2. While I'm happy he's finally having surgery to remove the one contained tumor, my stepmother will not confirm if the surgeon understands the significant risks given the micro blood clots in my dad's lungs (caused by long covid). Last year, my dad had a pulmonary embolism. He almost died. And he wasn't even in surgery.
Prayers are welcome for his health and for my heart. Thank you.