Hello I am Bill. 71 years old. Maried three times. One divorce after 18 years, one passed away after 30 years and my present wife of three years! She just went through three years of fighting for her life with Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the right mandable. She is cancer free now. No Cemo and no radiation was ever done.
I served 20 Years US Army. Have a Fatty liver that was diagnosed August 27, 2014 during my Gastris RNY Surgery. Was hoped to turn the Fatty Liver around, it did not. Had low platelet count consistantly since 2014. May 2021 the platelets started to drop. Sent to a Hemotologist/Oncologist July 26, 2021. Sent for a Ultra scan it showed "Leisons" . Sent for MRI, Bone Scan, and CT of lungs.
MRI shows 3 Tumors.
#1 Junction of segments 4 and 5 near gallbladder fossa - 3.2cm x 2.4cm minimaly T2.
#2 At the Liver Dome - 2.7 x 2.2cm T2
#3 Right posterior of the Liver a 2.4 x 1.6cm
#4 is a hyperintense lesion without definate T2 or diffusion signal it is 1.7 cm.
Blood tests show normal liver function.
Never had Hepatitus of any kind. Hep blood test concurs.
My first Appointment with the Doctors to discuss the game plan at UF Health in Jacksonville Florida is September 7, 2021, four days before my 72nd Birthday!
I am so fortunate the Veteran's Administration under the Community care program is totaly paying for this. Thank you VA!
No evidence this Cancer Monster is anywhere else in my body and I have zero symptoms at this point, thank God