I have recently started taking Co Codamol.
I have since been told that I have high blood pressure, which is new to me & I have noticed my cheeks feel as if they are on fire.
Could the Co Codamol cause this? Has anyone else had similar.
I have recently started taking Co Codamol.
I have since been told that I have high blood pressure, which is new to me & I have noticed my cheeks feel as if they are on fire.
Could the Co Codamol cause this? Has anyone else had similar.
Hi Fressias. I would contact your pharmacist and tell them what's happening and ask if the Co-codamol could be the reason. You could also check the PIL (Patient Information Leaflet) which should be in the box and look under side effects. Good luck.
I’ve not heard of this - but as springcross says, the patient info leaflet might help and a chat with the pharmacist.
pain can cause your B/P to rise especially if it’s a new medical condition u are dealing with so it may be associated. Pharmacy best option.
Hi Fressias, I too have high blood pressure and I need Co-codamol for my arthritis pain. Sorry but I have not had any side effects. Take care. Maximonkey
Hi Fressias
I have very high blood pressure controlled by meds and I am on cocodamol 30/500 for back problems.
I haven't had any side effects or changes to my BP readings since I have been taking cocodamol.
Co codamol has a disastrous effect on my gut . Horrific constipation. After gabapentin was not good had tried cocodamol . No good with the same results so given laxative to counter this and proved super sensitive to this too. I could not balance the one against the other Getting desperate when i found flax seeds. Life saver ! But effect of cocodamol gets less as you use it and how many seeds am i going to have to eat to counteract the cocodamol? I have had raised BP too but that doesnt seem affected.
Usually Co Dodamol lower bp as opiate based. I have high bp. & Osteoarthritis. I take just 2 Co Dodamol at night & they help me sleep. Told to do that by G.P.Take fibregel if constipated but usually ok with lots of fibre ...fruit & veg.