High I am on Lercanidipine 10mg for the past 3 weeks I take the 10mg at night before bed to try and reduce the side effects which are feeling light headed and weak this comes and goes with no pattern my question is has anyone had any experience of splitting the dose and taking 5mg at bedtime then 5mg 12 hours later in the morning to reduce any side effects dont tell me to ask my doctor as he honestly wouldnt know I did ask my local pharmacist but they said ask your doctor I am worried that the 5mg is not enough to deal with the blood presure although obobviously 10 mg lasts 24 hours and by taking 5mg twice in 24 hours is the same amount but does it have the desired effect on my Bp
Spliting lercanidipine 10mg - High Blood Pressu...
Spliting lercanidipine 10mg

first of all, have a look at the website of Blood Pressure UK, the specialist charity. That might answer the majority of your question. Both on the medication side of things, and also how to help yourself on the diet and exercise side of things.
Secondly, you’ve done the right thing in speaking to your pharmacist as they are the ones to advise your general practitioner - GPs are generalists, pharmacists are specialists.
Your GP’s group of surgeries probably employs one or two pharmacists and they are best placed to advise you and advise the doctor. Each practice has its own way of getting to speak to them - in my case we phone the receptionist or pop in to the surgery.
Hope this helps.
hi 29METAL, I also take Lercanidipine for the past 3 years, I was initially on 10mg, but last year I was prescribed 20mg, I find the side effects very difficult, headache, palpitations, dizziness and weakness, I asked my GP if I could split the dose, she said fine, so that's what I've been doing, side effects are still rotten but I feel would be worse with full dose at once, the same would apply for you I would say even thought yours is a smaller dose, hope this helps somewhat,
Hello, it may be worth checking your blood pressure at home to see if dividing the dose makes a difference to how well that dose controls your blood pressure. You’d also need to have checked how your blood pressure had been on the single dose too.
Hi. 29METAL I tried splitting the 10 mg dose to try and alleviate side effects. The worst side effect for me is ankle swelling. The lightheaded feeling has settled down. I didn't think it was working as my bp started creeping up so I've gone back to taking it in one go. I don't like the ankle swelling and my bp is creeping up again but dreading the GP increases my dose to 20 mg as the side effects will be unbearable I imagine. I have tried other types of bp meds before this but I'm finding it hard to find one that suits me. I am also hypothyroid on levothyroxine, so I don't know if that's a contributing factor. I have white coat syndrome too so I appreciate your problem in getting a true BP reading.
Hi lilu2607. Exactly the same for me, cannot take readings at home completely stressed me out for the day of the readings are high, I've given up taking them!! 20mg lercanidipine is v difficult for me with side effects, have tried others also like you! I think most bp meds are difficult, to be honest, it's a bit of a minefield!