Hi, im on lercanidipine and olmesartan, i was on irbesartan alone with no side effects for years but had to come off them as they were getting discontinued.does anyone get bone pan with these? I can barely put my arms behind my back.
Hi, im on lercanidipine and olmesarta... - High Blood Pressu...
Hi, im on lercanidipine and olmesartan, does anyone get bone pain with these? My .

I'm on Amlodipine and Olmersatin and don't have any effects, apart from old age related arthritis. Pain all over.
Keep exercising. Keep supple.
All the best.🍀
High I have been on irbesartan for decades together with a thiazide diuretic but my gp decided that the diuretic was casing me to lose too much sodium - my blood pressure had been spot on with that combination. The only side effects were initially thatthe diuretic meant that I was continually needing to pee but that slowly stopped ,the osther problem was that the irbesarten gave me severe heartburn and I needed esompromazole to counter the excess acid. When I was taken off the thiazide my blood pressure increased erratically resulting in several trips to hospital when my BP exceeded 200. My meds of irbesarten were doubled in strength and then quadrupled in strength - no improvement in lowering my BP and then added beta blockers with again no improvement. My husband had a strong altercation with my GP and I have reverted to my low irbesarten with indipamide (diuretic) and my BP is backin the 120 range - the one side effect is that I am continually needing to go to the loo.
Are you in england? I was taken off irbesartan and told it had been discontinued.my bp was brilliant on that with no side effects, now im aching all the time
Hi, I've been on lercanidipine for a few years with no adverse effects. My BP was never very high but I don't think it's particularly working well any more. I get a bit of tinnitus on it though. I'm 72. I just think every tablet you take has some effect.