Hi there I have high blood pressure and in supposed to be on perindropil but I don't really want to take medications will it have consequences if i dint take them
High bp: Hi there I have high blood... - High Blood Pressu...
High bp

Depending on what's causing your high BP -- then YES you could quite possibly drop dead from a sudden heart related issue.
Thousands of people do so every day.
As we say in Ireland--+ they wake up dead! Not good.🥵
You have been given a life altering/ saving opportunity.
You owe it to any dependents you have, to try and live a while longer.
HiI would advice checking Blood Pressure UK website and see what you think
I have been taking combi perindopril amlopodin since 2012 along with ,10mg crestor rosuvastatin I was 68 had never been in hospital except for baby. Had v high BP been helping Mum at end of life 170/190 over 90ties. I felt dizzy and was a bit short tempered Finally saw privately heart surgeon who medicated me and who I see every year. I also have private scans by neuro/stroke socialist who yearly checks the state of my arteries with scan of head and neck My bp is constant resting 134/70 pulse 54-56. I am hyperkalemic high potassium controlled by diet and my cholestrol is 4,5. I have to take care of vitamin D with supplements in winter here in europe Now 79 and widowed a year ago I have had terrible stresses but stayed active, carrying etc wood for burner and caring for 8 rescue pups my husband so loved. What can I tell you? I ate too much icecream and chocolate and smoked for 47 years My docs read me the riot act and I went from 85 kg to 70 kg in 6 months now heading fir 65kg. I did the damage I listen to my doctors !!!Keep really active I used to have really bad knees much much better now with toned thigh and leg muscles through work and walk!!!!
as KBMosia says, check the website of the charity Blood Pressure UK which will give you lots of information to think about and decide.
how high is high,