I have recently (3 weeks ago) prescribed Amlodipine for hypertension and basically it’s worked.
I am overweight and for many reasons I want to lose the weight I’ve lost some but more to go ( perhaps 12kgs / 28 lbs)
Anyway I spoke with my GP today and he was happy that my blood pressure was back in a good place, today 115/75 and we spoke of the future, weight loss and medication.
I asked about how I would know that weight loss would be at the stage when medication was no longer necessary. He thought that it might not happen and that as a male aged 64 I was predisposed for this condition and whilst weight loss was good all round it might mean that medication was still required.
I’m a little shocked about this as everything I’ve read leads me to the cause and effect or at least relationship between weight and BP.
So I’m still going to lose the weight , it’s good for me all round but I’m a little shocked about what was said and need to research this further.
Any help/ advice or experiences with regards to his most appreciated