I’ve had higher average BP for a few years and resisted medication. I run a lot so have a really good history of my pulse rate via my Garmin. What I’ve noticed is my stress really kicks in when I measure my BP even at home, I can see the raised pulse and the three readings can be significantly different minutes apart.
my average over the last week is 156/100 and I have a meeting with the Drs Pharmacist this morning to look at meds.
I am a little overweight ideal is 68kg, I’m 74kg, don’t smoke, don’t drink a lot, eat well and run a bit. I’m 59. I do think stress is a big factor in my high BP.
my question is this, if I go on meds and it brings it down to 120/80 on average how would I see any benefit from dropping a bit of weight or managing my stress? For example if managing stress would have brought it down to 130/90 without meds would I see the same drop in BP while on meds ie would my BP drop to 100/70 with a combination of meds and lifestyle?
Hope that makes sense, thanks