I have only very recently started taking blood pressure medication. 3 weeks ago I was put on Amlopodine had nasty side effects headaches burning itching legs at night! My doctor changed to Lercanipidine which I’ve been taking since Saturday. On Monday I started having awful acid reflux and indigestion which is something I never suffer from. Has anyone else encountered this? Looked on net and this is a side effect on calcium channel blockers.
Lercanipidine : I have only very... - High Blood Pressu...

I'm sorry to hear that Shadynook. It looks like it's back to the drawing board for your GP then - he/she may suggest you go on to PPIs such as Omeprazole first just to see if it works, but that's a decision only the GP can take. I have looked on the internet for gastric problems while taking it and eventually found it on a New Zealand site which is strange as most of the sites I have used in the past seem only to be listing a bare minimum of side effects for them now and for others too which is strange. It could be that the longer you take them, the side effects may disappear but of course, whilst suffering gastric problems this is not what you want. Have a word with your GP and see if something can be done or if your medication can be changed. Unfortunately with BP meds, it is a try this and see exercise. Good luck.
Thank you 😊 been better today 🤞🏻 Had scrambled egg and one slice of seeded toast had slight indigestion but it went quite quickly. Will see how the next few days go hopefully it will settle down.
Have you tried Losartan? It's the one chemists find has the least reported side effects.
Sorry to hear that, what strength is your prescription? I have taken lercanidipine 10mg for 3 years now, the side effects are sometimes difficult, however my dose was increased to 20mg on Dec 22nd as the bp was very high, horrible side effects , banging heart rate, coughing, arm/shoulder pain, unable to sleep,
Back on 10mg now so not too bad. It might be worth giving it a month, if no improvement ask you to try something, my husband takes coversil, with no side effects, but I suppose it may not be suitable, as the gp told me .
Hope you can find a balance, give it a little time
Hood luck with it
Thank you. I’m on 10mg and I’ll certainly stick with it as it’s he only side effect I’ve encountered so far. I am being careful what I eat and nothing after 8pm. I had an apple very thinly sliced last night about 8pm and I certainly suffered for it at bedtime. I’m sure they all have some effect on us just finding a balance.
Best wishes
Yes I think so, it should ease as time goes by, I think diet is a big part of it, it takes time to get the balance. I found taking the readings very stressful and consequently the numbers went up, so I only take it every couple of weeks because the gp expects me to know the readings when I ring him.Best of luck .
If it is felt that calcium channel blockers (CCBs) are the best medication for your personal blood pressure issues, then I’d also suggest a second pillow or head elevation in bed at night might help.
As CCBs can also cause relaxation of the oesophagus muscles, then reflux when lying down can happen, exacerbating your symptoms of indigestion. Also be careful of bending down fairly soon after eating, as the same reflux can happen.
Two months on are you still on lercanidipine? I have been in it for 2 years and have had no side effects. I am getting a lot more lower leg cramps and involuntary muscle twitches again in my lower legs at night but don’t know if that’s the tablets or not. I have suffered with reflux for years but the tablet doesn’t seem to make it worse - just over-Indulgence - so I am careful. I’ve just lost 1st but funnily enough my BP has started to rise so I’ve started drinking hibiscus tea and it’s taken it right back to normal.