Losartan Long Term Side Effects - High Blood Pressu...

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Losartan Long Term Side Effects

DJEN profile image
9 Replies

Can anyone help? I was put on to Losartan in 2016 after it was found that Ramipril was causing an unwanted cough, particularly when I was in bed at night.

I have done some research and I have found that long term side effects from this drug may be causing fatigue issues and problems sleeping and in addition nightmares and vivid dreams.

Does anyone else have these issues?

I am finding them quite problematic!

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DJEN profile image
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9 Replies
Celtic profile image

According to a highly recommended pharmacist, Losartan Potassium is the BP med about which he hears the least complaints from patients.

Plus, as someone who has been found to be ultra-sensitive to many BP meds, but who seems to be ok on Losartan (fingers crossed saying that!), I would be surprised if it is this med that is responsible for the problems you mention. However, having said that, we are all different and therefore can respond in different ways to various medications.

Are you taking any other medications that could be the culprit? With regard to the sleep problems, have you tried cutting out coffee and all caffeinated foods/drinks later in the day, also any highly spiced foods? Just a thought in the hope it might help.

Jmac20 profile image
Jmac20 in reply to Celtic

Over last 10 years have had numerous types of BP pills for border + BP.My conclusion take them if need,the rot starts with all about 6 weeks into use.A home BP monitor is a must.Shed the lbs and stay active if possible.

DJEN profile image
DJEN in reply to Celtic

I’ve done some research on long term effects of Melatonin. It states that if you take Melatonin long term and regularly it could be the reason for the vivid dreams and fatigue during the day. I have since stopped taking it in the hope that it may solve the issue. Thanks for your comments!

Celtic profile image
Celtic in reply to DJEN

Yes, I looked up your profile and previous post on another thread and noticed the melatonin possibility, so glad your research turned up that as being a possible culprit. Good luck.

NOLAchic profile image

I just got off losartan after being on it little over a year due to it causing muscle pain in my legs. Couldn’t figure it out until I thought what has changed in my life & realized it was the BP & looked up the side affects & that was one of them, so I would advise that you look up the side effects! Good luck!

chaosqueen profile image

Hi. I have been on Losartan since the late 1990's and apart from the rebound effect if I forget to take them have had no problems. The yearly blood test keeps an eye on my renal function. Luckily no problems so far. I don't have problem with nightmares etc. But I do have a problem sleeping if I drink more than a little alcohol in the evenings. Don't know if it is the combination of the Losartan and alcohol or just the booze. You might, as a separate issue be processing some life event stuff coincidentally. All other anti-hypertensives I have been prescribed caused too many side effects. Good luck.

Charlie460 profile image


Yes, I've been taking Candesartan, which I believe is the same drug, different name, for about 18 months. The fatigue is crippling at times, especially in the mornings. I started taking it at night because of this a while ago, but do find that it's incredibly hard to go off to sleep, sometimes not until 4 or 5am. It's a trade off really either sleep badly or feel like a zombie in the morning. I used to be very active walking 10 - 15 miles twice a week, now I can feel my leg muscles screaming just walking up the stairs. I just hate having to take meds!

Ropa511 profile image

I am also on losartan 50mg and indapamide 1.25mg.

I def get heavy legs and often have quite vivid dreams although I would not call them nightmares as such.

I have come to the conclusion that when it comes to high bp if you cant get it down naturally, you are then left with a tough choice between finding meds via trial and error that have side effects you can tolerate, as opposed to the ones you cannot tolerate, or alternatively not taking meds and being left with the worry about the potential risks of having uncontrolled high bp.

I am afraid its not an easy conundrum....🤔😕

Hereagain profile image

I have had huge issues with BP meds. On Enalapryl which caused cough, then candersartan which after about 2 years gave me muscle aches in legs at night that kept me awake. Next was amlodipine, which gave me dreadful acid reflux that made me violently sick in the night, then back to irbesartan - which now after 18 months has got me suffering with muscle ache in legs along with stiffness which made me think I had Parkinsons! Can’t slerp against n either which I think is because of the irbesartan. Don’t want to try Doxazosin, don’t like sound of all those side effects, so not sure where we go from here! Doctor about to give up on me I think - just says I have to live with side effects or change tablets.

Have done a lot more exercise through lockdown so going to see if I can keep blood pressure controlled with reduction in dose!

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