Candesartan or Losartan any differenc... - High Blood Pressu...

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Candesartan or Losartan any difference in side effects

Moneylover profile image
23 Replies

on a separate post. explained am waiting for appointment re brightred flushed feet on 10mg Amlodipine. Effective reduction BP but obviously too high a dosage for me. But had 5mg and not enough. Ramipril gives me a cough. So possibly will be reduced back to 5mg Amlodipine and given Candesartan or Losartan as a second drug as this seems quite common combination.

Just wondered which most people given, there is no difference I can see. How do people get on with either of these please? Thank you all for help

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Moneylover profile image
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23 Replies
katieoxo60 profile image

Hi Moneylover, I took set BP pills for years then suddenly as I got older it did not work I became intolerant to ace inhibiters. I have tried Losartan but it does not reduce the bloodpressure. So now I am on Spirolactone which seems to work but its just keeping my BP at a certain level still higher than they would like it. I am sure sometimes it is what we eat and drink or the activity we do. I feel like a Hypocondriac some days , I'm not I have a lung condition thats stable with inhalers, pain control for arthritis, then BP tablets. Given time I am sure you will find the right dose and pill to control your Bp. Best wishes

Eviedog12 profile image

Best BP drug for me, no. side effects. Losartan

cornishgal23 profile image

Both candesartan and losartan are ARBs that work in a similar way. However, candesartan is supposed to be more effective. I am on amlodipine, candesartan, and hydrochlorothiazide (diuretic), and that combo works well for me. I do have a few side effects like occasional flushing and shortness of breath, but these are manageable. It's hard to tell which one is the cause!

Cyclamenfan profile image
Cyclamenfan in reply to cornishgal23

Hello Cornishgal from another Cornish gal! Interested by your combination of meds, see my other post. Will let you know after seeing the doc.

cornishgal23 profile image
cornishgal23 in reply to Cyclamenfan

Where are you from? St. Austell area here but have been living in Canada for the past 51 years. Still, you can take the girl out of Cornwall, but you can't take Cornwall out of the girl! :) Good luck getting that BP under control.

Cyclamenfan profile image
Cyclamenfan in reply to cornishgal23

Ha ha! Living in Delabole, south of Tintagel. Wow, you’ve been away from Cornwall for a long time.

Cyclamenfan profile image
Cyclamenfan in reply to Cyclamenfan

Trouble is, it’s a long way from Treliske.

cornishgal23 profile image
cornishgal23 in reply to Cyclamenfan

Still get homesick from time to time! And yes, you're a long way from Treliske!

Cyclamenfan profile image
Cyclamenfan in reply to cornishgal23

I love the wild North Coast here but Canada is a beautiful country from all I have seen and heard - not visited there though. I’ve lived here for over 50 years but originally came from West Sussex.

Moneylover profile image
Moneylover in reply to cornishgal23

Hi Cornishgal23 what an evocative name! I love all of Cornwall - I know you don’t live there now. . Sounds like you are on a good combo medicines. Am trying to be as knowledgeable as possible. What dosages are you on please that keep your side effects minimal? Not sure if you have followed but I am the lady moaning about fiery red feet on 10 mg Amlodipine!

cornishgal23 profile image
cornishgal23 in reply to Moneylover

Hi Moneylover. Yes, I've been reading about the feet on fire! I had the same thing whilst on 10 mg of amlodopine, along with a fiery legs and face! I'm now on 5 mg of the amlo, 8 mg candesartan, 25 mg hydrochlorothiazide, and 10 mg rosuvastatin (for the cholesterol) which seems to be doing the trick with a few manageable side effects. :)

Moneylover profile image
Moneylover in reply to cornishgal23

Thank you. Very useful! Am so in intelligence gathering mode before going back to GP hate keep going and if everyone with high BP has all these visits, no wonder GPs so overloaded! Would you be prepared to share what sort of readings you had prior to proper control and what they are now? When I originally took my BP a year or so ago in a group of friends (all with lovely BPs of circa 120/70) it was 145/85 and I went to GP. First got 5mg Ampodiline no use and in such a panic I was getting readings of 190/95 some nights.then was switched to Ramipril which got me down to 135/80 but terrible cough. So switched to the Ampodiline 10mg which gave me ‘the feet’. But boy, got my systolic pressure down, circa 110! Although not such startling effect on diastolic , lowest 77. So kind of interested to know what people get their levels down to with various drugs. The gold standard UK seems to be less than 135/85 when measured at home. Xx

onadiet profile image
onadiet in reply to cornishgal23

Amlodipine causes the flushing.

Cyclamenfan profile image

Dear Moneylover, I have been on 10mg Ramipril for some years and it has given me a dry cough but not so bad that I can’t continue with it. Tried 5mg Amlodopine in addition but like you had bright red, swollen feet and halfway up legs. So, stopped that and moved to 5 mg Felodopine, no feet trouble but needed higher dose for the continuing raised BP. So upped to 7.5mg and eventually 10mg Felodopine (calcium channel blocker like Amlodopine). Similar to you, in the end this dealt with the raised BP but here I am again with very uncomfortable Edema and red, burning feet.

Just had an 8 hour ambulatory BP monitor which showed that the meds are definitely not enough to control the BP so have had to drop to 5 mg Felodopine and seeing Dr on Tuesday to discuss what’s next. It’s like a merry-go-round! A never-ending experiment….

Maybe he will suggest something like losartan or candesartan to improve things. Have to get it sorted as I have had a TIA in the past. Trying to lose some weight and walk for half a hour a day but often I feel so generally fatigued and aching. Must be old age, I’m 73. Will let you know how I get on….

cornishgal23 profile image
cornishgal23 in reply to Cyclamenfan

Hi Cyclamenfan. It's hard trying to find the right combo, isn't it? Like you, I've had a TIA (scary!) when my systolic had risen to 217 ... eek! So I understand the importance of getting it under control. Hope you get it sorted soon. :)

Cyclamenfan profile image
Cyclamenfan in reply to cornishgal23

Thanks, Cornishgal. Xx

Moneylover profile image
Moneylover in reply to Cyclamenfan

Very interested in your reply as you are first person to also mention fiery feet although others have mentioned red arms or legs. I saw Physician Associate today and he has reduced my Amlodipine to 5mg (although admits won’t control BP ) and booked me in to see GP on 15 July. Could be 11 days for redness to go ( if it goes at 5mg) as half life drug is 52 hrs and five cycles of halving life to clear. He Speculated that GP might try Felodipine but your example indicates won’t be much different result to Amlodipine. Also mused about an alphablocker. Maybe that will be suggested for you? Or maybe a diuretic as reduces blood volume? Not sure Candesartan category suitable for u as maybe too similar to the Ramipril? But I don’t know that, just guessing. Someone else will know. . I really like the BHF website for info find it more useful than blood pressure UK. I wish you so much luck and a good open discussion on Tuesday. Yes, lose weight ( I only weigh 8 stone, exercise and have great diet) but clearly lots of us need meds as well. Look forward to you posting after your appointment and thank you again for your post

Cyclamenfan profile image

Thanks for your comment, it does help to know there are others who are finding similar difficulties although one wouldn’t wish it on any of us. What you wrote was very helpful. Fortunately I like my doctor and he is easy to talk to and I will let you know what happens next. Think I maybe do need a diuretic - as long as it isn’t indapamide as we didn’t get on together!

I do eat a very healthy diet but too much of it so I am being careful as I would love to lose one stone, but the nurse surprisingly said she didn’t think in my case it would make much difference to my BP. Nevertheless I am continuing. Exercise is more difficult as I am 73 and just can’t do things as strenuously as before which doesn’t help me to lose the pounds.

It will be interesting for both of us to hear how we get on at our respective appointments, thank you for your good wishes and hoping all goes well for you too.

Moneylover profile image
Moneylover in reply to Cyclamenfan

Exercise good just walking or even sit stand exercise from chair with hands across chest, a physio made me do it to my limit which was about 60 times! Am 77. But mainly losing weight the best you can is great, how can the nurse know. Even if didn’t reduce BP can stop it getting worse, surely. Great you have an easy to talk to doctor, again, good luck Tues.

Cyclamenfan profile image
Cyclamenfan in reply to Moneylover

Thanks, I can usually manage 30 minutes walking a day. Also light gardening. You are doing great!

MoonRocket profile image

I've been taking Candasartan for 20+ years. 16mg daily. No SEs and it keeps my BP at nearly perfect levels. Of course, good diet and plenty of exercise is equally as important. With both, you should do well.

Moneylover profile image
Moneylover in reply to MoonRocket

Wow. I always thought Cadasartan was a n ‘added drug’. ? Not a first line one. What do you call near perfect levels?? Trouble is am not sure one med would be enough for me. First went to doc with BP 145/85. Several months later when just on Amlodipine 5mg I was getting readings in 180s over 90 which was nuts . I am totally neurotic about it all and think my high readings at that point were stress related although I assume that can only push readings so high. On Ramipril 10 mg got the cough but readings down in 140s. Amlodipine 10mg has given me the blood red ankles but BP right down. So awaiting what’s next when see GP on 15 July. Temporarily on 5 mg Amlodipine but that won’t cut it as where I first started blood pressure journeys! Thanks again.

MoonRocket profile image
MoonRocket in reply to Moneylover

Nearly perfect for me is low 120s/low 70s. In the morning my readings tend to be higher, mid 130s/high 70s. I'm sure BP treatment is different now than when I was first diagnosed. I'm doing well with the candasartan so no reason to adjust or add medications.

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