I've been on amlodipine since Jan and recently started having slight blurred vision. I see this is one of the possible side effects, but I thought it would have happened before now if it was that, but I also have blepharitis which it could be causing it. Any thoughts?
Amlodipine side effects: I've been on... - High Blood Pressu...
Amlodipine side effects

Hi Alan,
I have been taking amlodipine for three years now. Not all side effects present themselves immediately so the blurred vision may well be due to amlodipine and may well resolve. Equally, it may be due to blepharitis. If it concerns you, I would suggest you contact your GP on Monday and take advice to put your mind at rest.
I had some very strange side effects when I started amlodipine, all of which resolved after a few months.
I wish you well.
Thanks for the reply, I went to the pharmacy this morning and spoke to the pharmacist, and he said to stop taking it for a week to see if the blurred vision goes away or eases, if it does contact my doctor if not then he said it may be the blepharitis. I'll try that first.
Hi Alan - I had to stop taking it as my Liver numbers shot through the roof. My live number had always been stable and well within the acceptable limit and then with each passing month the number went higher. I had to convince my doctor to look at the numbers and I suggested the only change was amlodipine - finally he check studies and found evidence the drug can do this. Once I stopped it my numbers reversed immediately. My point - it may be worth switching to a different drug. Best regards
I didnt experience eye issues but on amlipodine I was getting inflamed gums which would not go away. My dentist suggested asking the Gpto change away from amipodine and he did, rather sceptically, and my gums became ok! Side effects do exist even though maybe not often! Worth trying to see what happens after a week but my side effects took a few weeks to go. With eyes though you MUST go and see your optician, doctors dont do eyes very well. And dont leave it too long either. Best wishes .
Well back from the GP's and she's moved me from Amlodipine to Ramipril to see if that helps.