Any suggestions ? I've been reading about NAD plus Arginine.
Have you reduced bp with supplements ? - High Blood Pressu...
Have you reduced bp with supplements ?

i find if a patient is already on b-p meds the alternative supplements can assist with the condition but it is not recomended to go off the prescreption drugs edd
How about for people who have never been on meds, eat healthy, walk daily, but see their bp creeping up ?
hi if it is genetic it is going to rise any way coq10 and magnesium can be benefical edd
Do you have an opinion on safe coq 10 and mag doses ? My husband has been taking 100mg coq 10, and around 400 mg magnesium asporatate for years about 3-5times weekly. Thanks !
i take 200mg mag. and 100mg of coq10 almost daily unusually i find the tablet form of c q10 more benericial than the capsuel the rule of thum is the older a person the higher the dose rate for co q ---------but the only reason i know about these is because ive had stents put in some years ago due to hi -colostrol------i can only wonder if i had been on these before the event would i have been a canditade for stents--------and very likely in a few years time there likely be a new remedy for dealing with cloged arteries ed