did anyone watch doctors behind close the other night, one went in bp 150/85 said thats perfect he was about 45, the next one another doc female about same age 145/85 again doc said perfect, makes you wonder why a lot are on bp pills when they dont need to be, with all the side effects,
bp readings: did anyone watch doctors... - High Blood Pressu...
bp readings

yes I wouldn’t say 145 was perfect!
Hi there , you have raised a debatable health subject. Including the fact that stressing over it does not help . I am over 70 now and still have above average BP but it has always been above 140 /70 to spite pills etc. So maybe we need more research into those who have had raised BP all their lives and whether there are specific things that cause it, maybe even things that cause it needing treatment. Who knows
but its only just lately that 140 to 160 was considered raised, 10 years ago it was normal, what has changed it could be by lowereing threshold they sell mote pills,you were normal one day and the next day you are not,
Had 152/82 at hospital recently. They said perfect !!!
Don’t get me started on what is “normal” when it comes to blood pressure.
Before I comment, please note these are my personal opinions developed after reviewing the history of the constantly lowering of recommended BP levels over the years, requiring more and more people to be on medication, plus and investigation of the side effects of BP meds.
Quite simply I can’t accept that a 74 year old woman, like me, should be expected to maintain the BP of a young woman. This sounds more reasonable approach to me…
I’ve had a Gerontologist recommend these levels to me two years ago.
As for BP meds…
Side effects of irbesartan - NHS (nhs.uk)
I stopped taking irbesartan about a month ago, and have far less light-headedness and muscle pain, and my BP is remaining well within the elderly blood pressure chart. My heart rate, which was too low has also improved.
I must emphasize again; this is my opinion. I don’t recommend this approach for anyone, nor do I recommend taking any action without consultation with your doctor. These are my choices. Just saying…
Thank you so much for the links!
I am male, almost 71, and, despite having got prescription and the meds from my GP some 5 years ago, I refuse to take them. Following my gut feeling, I decided that if I feel well with the increased BP, as I do, then there is no need for the medication. My body should know better than drug sellers. Lately, I measure 160+ / 80+ and feel perfectly well. I never have a headache, lightheadedness, nausea or any other symptoms. Fully capable to work hard and never miss the opportunity to do so.
In your case, and it seems to be a frequent picture, BP drugs reduced HR, reduced blood flow-rate and caused poorer nourishment of all the tissues in the body. Not good at all! Not to mention what the drugs do to the kidneys and liver. I will never take them!
At your age of 71 your BP is 160/80 is almost normal.but if anyone has high or very high blood pressure,he should not refuse blood pressure medication prescribed by doctor because high blood pressure can cause stroke,heart failure, kidney disease, atrial fibrillation.follow life style measure while taking medicine and never withdraw them abruptly.dr.anwar family medicine specialist