Hate to think what mine is at moment trying to take care of hubby now he has been diagnosed with liver cancer. I am on two tablets now so we will see. Hope you are all keeping well in this weather. XX
Hate to think what mine is at moment trying to take care of hubby now he has been diagnosed with liver cancer. I am on two tablets now so we will see. Hope you are all keeping well in this weather. XX
Hello fastball
So sorry to hear of your husbands diagnosis - this must be devastating and no one could ever describe the pain you will be going through unless they were/have been going through the same painful experience . I do hope you have all the emotional support from family and friends and that you have medical support to try keep your blood pressure under control - please make sure to rest as much as you can if that's at all possible . I'm here - We are here for you - Please allow yourself to get your emotions out and never bottle them up inside. I wish you well , take care of yourself and your husband but don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it . Elle
thank you for your concern. I've had the doctor out to him and she wants him in hospital to try different meds he said yes at the time, but now says no. I will do the best i can , I havent cancelled the ambulance so i'm hoping they can talk him into going. Fingers crossed. XX
Right my husband went into hospital and slowly got worse. His diagnoses was Liver Cancer that had spread to his bones so there was little time left.
Sorry to say he died on the 24th July early in the morning. He is being buried on the 15th August. XX
So my blood pressure is now at a good level , hopefully will be next week also.
Hoe you are all well and keeping calm. XX