Sifting through the huge amount of information on the web, it would seem most of the adult population suffer from raised BP, whether they know it or not. Just how much are we being conned by pharmaceutical manufacturers I wonder? Before I started this merry-go-round I was fit and energetic, but now I'm a wreck with swollen legs, chronic cough, coeliac disease, dizzyness, insomnia, aches and pains like arthritis and anxiety to name but the few I can remember at the moment. I've changed my tablets and combination of tablets numerous times over the last 15 years and my BP remains steady at about 160/80 with a pulse rate of 40 - 50.
What is the point I ask myself?
What would happen if I threw the whole lot in the bin and went back to eating normally? Life is so intolerable I sometimes think it wouldn't matter if I had a heart attack and died.