People of HealthUnlocked | Meet Ryan - HealthUnlocked Blog

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People of HealthUnlocked | Meet Ryan

MarketingHU profile image
72 Replies

Hello everyone :-) I hope you're all doing well this Friday. This week, I want you all to meet Ryan, a young man who's story I read months ago and what led me to want to do this project in the first place: People of HealthUnlocked. If you can relate to Ryan's experiences, leave him a note in the comments below.

"I am 28 years old. I currently have stage 4 melanoma. I will share my story in order to help those whose path intersects mine. If you ever have any questions, feel free to ask. The time I have been blessed with is best used helping others. When I was 21 years old I was abusing drugs and not taking care of my body.

A tumor began forming inside of my right ear, but I thought that it was just another thing to be picked off of my body and so I did. This thing, however, grew back bigger each time I picked it off. I decided I’d go have a dermatologist take a look. They froze and biopsied it in the office. I told my family and significant other at the time that it was cancer. The doctor told me that the test came back positive for melanoma and that I needed to see the ENT surgeon. The surgeon removed a small portion of cartilage. Shortly after several more lesions appeared on my ear, and after another biopsy, they were call satellite nodes. The same surgeon then removed my entire right ear.

My oncologist suggested that I go into a trial for ipilimumab. I could get a high dose, a low dose, or interferon randomly. I got chosen for what later turned out to be the FDA approved dose of what is now commercially called Yervoy. I finished each dose with no side effects.

I continued to have scans as scheduled, and I continued to abuse drugs. For six years I lived, remaining free of cancer and eventually living a life free of drugs and alcohol. In August of 2018 I began to have headaches, and 3 days later I lost my speech. My lovely girlfriend demanded that I go to the hospital, otherwise, I would have not survived the following and likely harmed someone on the road. I had my first gran mal seizure on the way to the hospital. I had a tumor in my brain, and it was bleeding as melanoma tumors tend to do.

If I didn’t have surgery, I would die, but I could not speak for myself. My mother, with much pushing from my girlfriend, gave the go ahead. The phenomenal brain surgeon did the surgery successfully, I woke up with the miracle of my speech and almost all of my memory. All I have left of the surgery that saved my life is maybe one gran mal seizure per month. The doctors told my girlfriend that the cancer was stage 3, and off we go.

A month later I began to have pain in my chest, my oncologists scheduled a scan. Immediately after the scan she demands I go to the closest emergency room, so I did. They performed a surgery to biopsy the tumor in my lung. Pathology came back clean. Oncologist sent it again and it was melanoma. She began giving me keytruda, and slight pain medication. A month later my hip became painful, and shortly after my knee became painful. The doctor ordered a PET scan. Shortly after I walked with a cane because of the pain, and at this time I went to palliative care and my memory is hazy due to the pain medication but after a week or so of using a cane, I needed to use a wheelchair.

The scan, as my girlfriend and oncologist recall, showed cancer from neck to toe, except my arms, bones and all. I had a couple of weeks to live, MAYBE a couple of months. She prescribed the taf/mek combination, and my girlfriend sprung into action. What happened the weeks after is nothing short of a miracle to me. I do what the doctors say, I take the medicine how it recommends me to, I eat and take the things that my wonderfully supportive beautiful girlfriend says will be good for me, and the cancer leaves my body as quick as it took it over.

I was in a wheelchair on October 31st 2018 with scan results that leave me weeks left to live, and my scan on December 26th showed an almost absence of cancer. I continue to live a life with no symptoms. While a few months may seem menial, I am grateful for every day I breathe air into my lungs and put my weight on my legs.

Every moment I move throughout the day with no pain is a moment so many others don’t have and so I want to help every person in any way that I can. I love you all and if there is ever a question you have, about what I do or even personal, feel free to ask me. I hope you all can find peace."


Ryan has given us consent to share his story.


Stories on HealthUnlocked have an incredible way of raising awareness around certain conditions, as well as inspiring people who might be in the same situation as you. Would you like to share your health journey? Email me at

xo, Leilah

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MarketingHU profile image
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72 Replies
jillygirl profile image

That is some story and ordeal. Thank you Ryan for sharing. I know how it can be having had cancer, but it just shows you , you can never take things for granted. I wish you well and hopefully a cancer-free future. Thank you Ryan. xx:)

Deni52 profile image

Blessings Ryan 🙏

It just shows Ryan that mirracles do happen and also the strength to kick that nasty drug habit into touch you are still a young man with all your life ahead of you grasp it with both hands and go for it , and thank you for sharing your story with us .

Newdawn profile image

A truly inspirational story of Ryan’s mammoth battle to overcome cancer and drug abuse. His strength, love of life and the enormous support of his girlfriend and family shine through along with the immense talents of the doctors who helped him and the scientists and researchers who bring us these transformative drugs.

I have had malignant melanoma too probably as the consequence of my blood cancer but thankfully it was caught early. We desperately need to get the message out there about early detection of skin cancers.

Huge best wishes to Ryan going forward. May his future be bright, full of love and cancer free.


Lafete profile image

Thank you for sharing Ryan. You are an inspiration.

Queenielot profile image

So glad you have found peace and well on the road to recovery good luck

WinB profile image

Thanks for sharing Ryan and keep hold of your g/friend you have a diamond there . My Nephew was a sweet looking kid and he got into drugs ..He is still a nice loving boy and is trying to come off them. Good luck on a new life xxxx

What a wonderful inspirational read. Wishing you everything and more Ryan and massive respect for your girlfriend ❤️❤️

Picklebum profile image

Well you are an inspiration to all well done and just shows miracles do happen best wishes to you and yr girlfriend x

Truely thank you Ryan for sharing your story! My 🙏 are with you too and like WinB stated you definitely have a diamond of a girl friend!

Love to you both

Shropshire Lass

ddmagee1 profile image

What a brave young man! I pray that he will continue to have remission from cancer, and gain his health back!

footgo profile image

Hello Ryan, reading this incredible journey that you find yourself on is an inspiration to all of us who are suffering in one way or another.

I know it takes courage, a strong will, a positive mind, a great medical team, but most of all a loving and caring family to get to where you are today, well done!

Your girl friend sounds very much like my wife an amazing woman who cares about us perhaps more than we care for ourselves, sometimes. So often unable to care for ourselves. We are very fortunate in every respect. A story of true love and devotion.

All the very best for your future, keep praying, sometimes that is all we have left to do but to pray, best wishes and well done to you girlfriend.

Thank you LeilahHU for this incredible story.

49Twister profile image

What an amazing story, so happy for you Ryan and that your off the drugs that ruin so many young lives. What is this Taf / Mek combination of medicine that seems to have worked for you? I would be interested to know more about it. Best wishes for the future Ryan and remain cancer free.😊

rescuema profile image
rescuema in reply to49Twister

glo42 profile image

Thanks for sharing your story Ryan. Hoping that you and your amazing girlfriend can enjoy many happy times together in the future. Bless you both.

MarkUpnorth profile image

OMG! I feel so lucky, Yes everyone has hurdles. I've got mine. Your's....have been much harder than mine, in comparison. You fought the big C and are surviving!

Keep On Going Guy! I'm too old to know the saying I want to say......I've given it my all for what I've got...........Keep on! Don't ever throw in the towel Ryan

katieoxo60 profile image

Well Ryan miracles do happen, so every best wish for the future to you both. Plus your stories might make others kick the habit of drugs.

MydogBrandy profile image

Thank you for sharing, sending you loads of hugs xx

Grandma60 profile image

God bless you, Ryan. I will keep you and your family in my prayers!!!

What an inspiration you are, Ryan. Your girlfriend is truly a diamond and the rest of your family are fantastic too. Wishing the very best for the future too. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Smiler53 profile image

Sending ❤🤗❤🙏 xxx

LorraineLouise profile image

So happy for you both. You are so blessed to have someone in your life that is willing to take this journey with you. I wish continued pain free days and i am sending you both big hugs !!!

Your story is so inspiring. Thank you!

Lorraine Louise

trishj46 profile image

God Bless you Ryan---Miracles still happen!!


JMTS profile image

What an inspiration you are Ryan after all you have been through you are still smiling

and your girl friend is a gem she must really love you to go through with you what you have been through. Always think positive. My 2 brothers were professional cyclists when they were young they both had Melanoma in later years so it was a worrying time so I really know what you and your family have been through. God bless you all.

Izb1 profile image

Thank you for sharing your story Ryan and what a journey you have been on. I am so pleased you managed to kick the drugs habit, that was your biggest achievement so well done. Going through so much cancer and surviving tells me your a fighter along with the fact that you have been blessed to have incredible people around you, give thanks to those especially your girlfriend., enjoy each and everyday x

Carlosbrown profile image

God's love and blessings to you brother x

Ads568 profile image

Thank you for sharing your story Ryan. You and your girlfriend are an inspiration! Very best wishes for the future.

Scobs profile image

Thank you very much Ryan. It really does put what you have gone and are going through, compared to my moaning and being depressed because I’m injured and don’t think I’ll ever run again into perspective. At least I have my life.

I’m in ore to you and I really wish you well for the future.

Good luck Ryan, always

Rosei profile image

Well done Ryan, I hope and pray that your new found condition last until you are a really old man.

hardworker190 profile image

How can I get ahold of Ryan.?

JimVanHorn profile image

Congratulations Ryan, your story moved me on many levels. I had started N.A. in 1982 and in 2007 I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. I had 42 radiations and as diagnosed with stage 4 bone metastases, given 30 more radiations and started 6 1/2 years of chemotherapy. The doctor told me I had 2 years left to live and to get my affairs together. I decided to get high on crack cocaine for about 2 years. I also had diabetes, heart disease, and kidney disease. The second radiation perforated my colon and I became septic and hospitalized. I had 2 more weeks of radiation so I would get dressed, drive down to my radiation place (10 miles). drive back, put on my gown, and continue my antibiotic IV's. When I got home I was still using and one night I could not get high anymore. I kicked everyone out and gave away my drugs and paraphernalia and stopped using. My life turned around. One month later my Mom had a stroke and died, but I was clean and I felt the presence of God daily. On Christmas Eve last year my oncologist called me and said the tests show that my cancer is gone. I know how you feel and the gratitude you have of this news. I'll pray for your future and I am proud to hear of your life and your success. Thank you.

sunrisesunset profile image
sunrisesunset in reply toJimVanHorn

Thank you for sharing your story! Wherever your mother's soul is right now, I'm sure she's very proud that her son completely turned his life around. You've been given a second chance.

JimVanHorn profile image
JimVanHorn in reply tosunrisesunset

I have been clean now for 6 years. I wish Ryan the same.

twooldcrows profile image

wow you have really went thru a wild life in a short time but you have a great girlfriend that has helped you stay a live and some wonderful ,great doctors...i do believe in angels that are with us and you have lots of them ..i don't want you to think i am a weird oh ....not a fantatic ...just can't believe how the cancer is gone now because of what you and her did this is so wonderful for you take care be safe ....i had girlfriends mom had something like this getting cancer and someone told her about different eating and it went away glad for both of you ....keep her close to keep you going in this great way of taking care of yourself and much happiness....

colourmepurple profile image

What a story, and what a response to everything thrown at you. May your future be less traumatic and may you continue to llive a happy and painfree existence. Your story is very moving, and makes many of us realise how lucky we have been so far.

rube_623 profile image

absolute miracle!!! so so happy for you and your family...God is GREAT!!!

Hobbledehoy profile image

Please tell Ryan how Glad we are that he is with us. Thank him for sharing his moving, wonderful story. Talk about a cliffhanger..! Love and blessings to Ryan and his girlfriend.

Nathalie99 profile image

This story is very moving and shows that miracles do happen. I'm so glad that Ryan recovered and got his life back.

Beautiful picture of you too...Wishing you enjoy very many years together in happiness..

Weejrt profile image

Omg what a journey. Very inspirational. Wishing u a cancer free happy future xx

Sharonski- profile image

Thank you for sharing your wonderful Story Ryan blessings to you it’s very inspirational

I lost my brother to mastitis melanoma in June he was stage 4 and he battled for the last 3 years

He was in the Army and was still working

You are a true battler and a comfort

Much Love

Sharon Forsyth x

attarintiki profile image

Thanks for sharing Mr. Ryan’s story. May God bless him with free cancerous body for rest of his life. Amazing experience and struggle of Mr. Ryan

Elt79 profile image

Thank you so much for sharing your incredible story- stay strong and treasure every day💕

sunrisesunset profile image

This puts things into perspective for me. I just failed a driving test and felt so down about it. A failed test is NOTHING in comparison to what Ryan and other cancer fighters have been through. You're an inspiration, Ryan. Thank you for sharing your story!

san_ray70 profile image
san_ray70 in reply tosunrisesunset

Keep trying, I failed a few driving tests, but I passed eventually.

san_ray70 profile image
san_ray70 in reply tosunrisesunset

My advice to you is continue I failed 8 driving tests, passed my 9th, that was a few years ago. Now days you can be fast tracked, my grandaughter is saving for that. I wish you success.

sunrisesunset profile image
sunrisesunset in reply tosan_ray70

Thank you!

Bingo88 profile image

Wow. What a wretched health life you have had so far. Ryan, Keep hold of that Beautiful girlfriend. You look a lovely couple. Cherish each other. And enjoy each day. Because no one knows what tomorrow may bring. Love and all the best to you 2. Brian

miss555 profile image

Wow, amazing story of resilience

mariootsi profile image

Praying for you! I too have stage 4 cancer! You are amazing. Thank you for sharing. You are a walking miracle! God bless you!!!!

Thank you so much for sharing Ryan and what an amazing, supportive girlfriend you have. 'We are what we eat'. Here's to a happy and healthy future and sending you all the love in the world. xx

Sara_2611 profile image

Welcome Ryan. Be defiant but positive much obliged for sharing this story with us all. Both my dad & uncle both have cancer & are going through the same situation. I wish you a very hopeful future free of cancer

Madmolly profile image

What a horrendous story but truly uplifting wishing you all of life's joys

Funkyfaerie profile image

What a brave guy you are Ryan.

And what a wise woman your girlfriend is, she probably saved your life with the right food! ❤️

Princess60 profile image

hi Ryan you have been through so much i am so glad you shared have a wonderfull girlfriend who is very supportive.glad you kicked the drugs in to touch not a good road to go down but you have done it be proud of yourself.hope you have a cancer free future .thanks for sharing your remarkable journey you are an inspiration xxx

Whitner profile image

Many Thanks to Ryan for sharing his incredible story. So happy for you and your girlfriend! Prayers for a healthy and happy life, it is precious!

february profile image

Dear Ryan, You are an inspiration to me! You've endured more then anyone should but have valiantly fought back, never giving up! You have a wonderful girlfriend, soooo supporative! So glad you are cancer free!!! My BEST to you..., ;o)

rottenrunner profile image

what an amazing story and love the end where it went as quick as it came, what did your girlfriend feed you, I went vegan and 5 months after a terminal diagnosis my cancer went dormant, a great story and wishing you both all the best for a great future :-)

rapture4u profile image

You are a born survivor. All the best.

Klamato profile image

It NEVER ceases to amaze me how great God is and He takes us where we need to go! No one decides when we are ready to go, only God knows for sure, The good doctors in our system work hand and hand with God! It is truly a heartwarming story and one that gives us all the faith and strength to continue our journey and fight! God bless Ryan! Kathy, Syracuse, NY

Snaomi profile image

You are a miracle. By the grace of God you are saved. You have been given an opportunity to share your story and witness God's glory. Truly inspiring. Best of everything to you that life has to offer.

linedance profile image

What a wonderful story! Thank you so much for sharing it, Ryan.

TheLordsWeapon profile image


eastridingbigden profile image

Well done ryan hope you carry on being well and should I say think you should marry that girl she deserves it.Also thank god for the National Health service.

embroy profile image

Thank you for sharing your story, you are a fighter, and a struggler as well. Just hope your cancer doesn't come back. You have the will power. Keep it up, an inspiration person.

This was such a moving testimony to read through, and so inspirational! Wishing you all the best Ryan. May you have many more years of shared happiness with your wonderful girlfriend : you've got a gem there!

Sara_2611 profile image

a very warm welcome to this amazing site every one is here for everyone

in reply toSara_2611

Doing our best to make a better world.

Sara_2611 profile image
Sara_2611 in reply to



Best regards!

You know that with cancer the threat is always hidden, so never lower your guard. I have heard of many cases in which cancer patients are reported free of cancer, but the less expected day, their cancer is back more aggressive than before.

"Performing skin self-examinations with a partner can help with early detection of new or recurrent melanoma, according to a study conducted by researchers at Northwestern Medicine in Chicago and published online in the journal JAMA Dermatology."

I would like to share with you and your lovely girlfriend this information I found back in December last year. I think the program, which may be deliverable by an ap in your smartphone may be useful in several aspects in that you don't have to leave your work site or home for a doctor's unnecessary check up. "Anyone who felt a mole looked peculiar could take a photo and send it to Dr. June Robinson to examine." says the report. ==

Take care.

Sara_2611 profile image

Wow -Thats very very moving -Thanks for sharing this with everyone wishing you a cancer free life

SOLLYTHEGOLLY profile image

There are no words Ryan. Such courage. I salute you.

Smiler53 profile image

Thank you for sharing your story Ryan. I'm speechless! Keep strong and enjoying life. What a blessing your girlfriend and family are. X

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