I have a cyst on one of my kidneys which was found last year after a scan’ and I also suffer fron Nocturia
Nocturia: I have a cyst on one of my... - Bladder Health UK
Wow. I am sorry to see that you posted this 5 months ago and have not had a reply. I am also part of the Parkinsons forum and the people there have been active and supportive sharing their experiences and what helped them.
My husband suffered from nocturia and it wasn’t till a few months ago that I learnt about how melatonin helps with nocturia from my PD friends.
Here is the link
My husband’s urologist had never heard of it either recommending vesicare which did nothing for him. To give you a brief history, my husband used to wake up 6-8 times at night to void. He suffered tremendously because his sleep was disrupted and he woke up tired all the time and in a bad mood. I then tried pumpkin seed extract which reduced it to another 4-5 times. The best outcome which we tried a few months ago was melatonin. The urologist has confirmed that it was this thick band of muscle on his bladder that kept contracting and agitating for him to void. Because of the frequency we had a urinal placed next to the bed so it invariably measured volume and we recorded the number of times . The long n short of it is that he used to be able to hold 100-120 ml. Now he goes 2-3 times and on good nights only 1 time . His capacity has increased to 350 ml and he does not produce as much urine at night.
Hope this encourages you. I started my husband on 2 mg and he is now on 5 mg. take enough to have an effect on overactive bladder but not to have side effects like groggyness, heaviness, headache or active dreams the next day. Another friend on the PD forum shared that her husband’s doctor recommended 7-10 mg but he could only take 2 mg and that helped him too. You can read about melatonin and parkinsons as there is a lengthy post put up by chartist on the benefits of melatonin on the brain.
Wishing you healthy days