Hi everyone.
Are there any women here who have been diagnosed with urethral stricture? I understand it's quite rare in women but I'm wondering if I may have it.
I'll try to keep it short but basically I've had a weird feeling in my urethra ever since I had a catheter giving birth to my son 25 years ago. I mentioned it to my doctor at post natal check, saying it felt like there was something stuck up there, she just smiled and said there' s no way anything could be stuck. So I've spent the last 25 years just assuming something was perhaps damaged during the birth and that all women felt it.
It never really bothered me until about 18 months ago when this 'feeling' started to become painful. I'd wake in the night with a full bladder and start to sit up to go to the loo and I'd get a pain in the urethra, also if I just rolled over in bed I'd get it....but only if my bladder needed emptying. Just over 12 months ago I was treated for a UTI which took 3 weeks to clear up completely.
My doctor referred me to the uro gynaecologist who wasn't sure what was going on but put me on Estriol cream and told me to do pelvic floor exercises. This was last December. I also had scans on my bladder/kidneys/ovaries etc....all showed no abnormality.
The Estriol cream made no difference and I was told by the pelvic phsio that my pelvic floor muscles were excellent. Then in June just gone I had another UTI. The symptoms never completely went and I've been back three times since to have my urine checked....always negative. The symptoms have gradually got worse but no longer feels like a UTI. The pain in my urethra now when my bladder feels full is unbearable. It's no longer just at night it's 24/7. The only relief I get is after I empty my bladder and then it gradually builds up to unbearable again until I urinate again. The flow is very slow, stops and starts, slow to start.....anything between 5 to 20 seconds before I can actually start to urinate. Stings like mad when I start to pee but then goes as soon as the flow starts. No stinging at the end at all. I dread going to bed now. Getting out of bed to pee is almost impossible when my bladder feels full (which I don't think it ever is). I cry out in pain, it's like my urethra is splitting in two. Then I waddle to the bathroom like a fat penguin!
Do these sound like urethral stricture symptoms? I'm seeing the uro gynaecologist again on Monday and I'm guessing she's going to say I need a cystoscopy. Hopefully, I won't have to wait too long as this is making my life a misery now. Just wondering if any women have had a stricture and if these symptoms are typical?
Thank you for reading.