Hi All
I had my STEMI heart attack on 20th August last year when I underwent an emergency PCI to LAD and had a stent inserted. I've had quite a traumatic recovery as a week after coming out of hospital I was readmitted with ? gastric bleed as my haemoglobin level had dropped significantly and I was passing black stools, suggestive of a bleed somewhere.
I kept trying to tell the Doctors that this had only happened since starting on the Prasugrel and Aspirin and to this date I am still covered in huge purple bruises which come up without me even having to knock myself. However, I have still had to undergo an endoscopy and colonoscopy where thankfully nothing serious was found. I am now taking iron supplements but seem to be unable to store iron for some reason, although I have read through the medication i'm on and that is a side effect to some of them..... so why doesn't my GP or the Consultant's seem to recognise this ?
I should be able to stop the Prasugrel in August (12 months after stent) but I am a little worried about that as no one has ever explained why you are only on it for 12 months and what is different after that to be able to stop it ?
Anyway, i'm sorry for rambling on.... I was originally told that I wouldn't need to see the Cardiologist again but 3 weeks into my cardiac rehab they stopped it as I was getting chest pains and breathlessness, they said they would contact the Consultant as it was too dangerous to let me continue without review and my heart rate was very high and taking a long time to come down after exercise. To cut a long story short I had a stress treadmill test in February and I have just had a letter to say he doesn't think there is any significant lack of blood supply to the heart but my heart rate only achieved 76% of the target so he would like to review me to decide on if I need any further investigations given the previous history of stenting !
Has anyone had anything similar and what tests are they able to do to look at this ?
I can't understand why if my heart rate was so high at the beginning why it looks as if it is low now ?
Has anyone had a cardiac CT or MRI ? Would that be a test that is useful ?
I'm just clutching at straws really as I don't know what to expect next.
Thank you for reading and any comments would be really appreciated