Ok 3.5 years ago age 69 years I had a stemi 1 heart attack was consious throughout heart attack no chest pain just pulse dropped to 23 beats a min because of blocked artery, only real sympton during heart attack was heart rate drop and severe cold sweat soaking me. I was given 5 stents 2 in left coronary artery 3 in right coronary artery then diagnosed with coronary artery disease with a blood ejection fraction now of 55%.
After this I was given for life to take asprin, lansprozole, beta blocker, blood pressure medication, and statin, the cardiologist said he wanted my bp to be at least 140/90 after taking medicines.
Question is , since being on the medicine, I am constipated headaches, sickness, dizzy, tired, fed up, and now when i take my vitals, even before i take my meds in morning and eve, my bp is 102/63 my heart rate is 59 - 61, my heart rate and bp makes me so cold like a deep freeze which gives me light headedness and headaches, ive told my gp, he allowed me to reduce the rempril to 5mg in the morning and 5 mg in the eve, and the bysoprol beta blocker to 1.25 mg in the mornings.
But when taking these amount i am dropping so low on bp and heart rate, I stopped for a couple of days the beta blocker and blood pressure medicince, and my heart rate was still like 65 beats a min and bp was 109/70 so whats the point making my life so unbearable taking these medicines when i dont get a problem if i dont take them.
I feel like any problems coming off would be because i was to quick coming off, but i feel if i weened of all but the stating and asprin im happy to take, i feel bp and hr would do just fine on fruit and veg and nuts and beet juice.
what do you all think about this because i am having a misrable excistants daily for 3.5 years the meds are worse than the heart attack, My life if rubbish. and yes ive talked to many gps until blue in the face, the ysay stay on all drugs, but there making my bp and heart rate go down so low, i am scared one of these nights when totally relaxed i will pass in my sleep.
Because some nights my hr goes to 50 and bp as been down to 100/101 when in bed
please tell me what you think, especially if you came off blood pressure meds and beta blocker for same reason as im contemplating and what happend to you ?????