Quick background - I had a large atrial septal defect diagnosed in December and have been referred for surgical closure,which should be in the next few months.
I have had no symptoms from the ASD - been cycling, running and bootcamping, then skiing in January. Obviously my heart isn't 'normal' but either it's compensating really well, or I'm just used to it??
A blood clot snuck through the hole 2 weeks ago and got stuck in a small coronary artery, causing a heart attack. I was put on blood thinners and the usual raft of heart-recovery drugs and was sent home after 2 days.
Yesterday I went to a cardiac rehab appointment to help me in my recovery. I was put on the treadmill atttached to the ECG and BP monitor, and my heart rate was gradually brought up. The test ended after about 10 minutes. I was told my blood pressure had dropped quite dramatically when my HR got to about 110bpm. I didn't notice any change in myself when this happened. As a result, I've been told not to let my HR get above 95bpm for the forseeable future.
I'm gutted by this - last week I was walking up to 3 miles a day and my HR would typically get to 120 as we are fairly brisk walkers. I also cycle to work and this would normally see my HR above 100 through most of the commute. The rehab team say once I have surgery the issue should resolve, but they also didn't know what would cause my BP to drop like that - it's probably not a result of the medication and more likely to be biomechanical. In the meantime, I face months of significant physical restrictions (for me) which is really difficult when I feel OK - and it's impacting my fitness ahead of OHS.
Has anyone else had experience of their BP dropping during exercise? Did you ever get answers about why? I'm curious to get to the bottom of this!