8 months post HA, 1 stent, on Atorvastatin, Lansaprozal, Ticagralor, Ramipril, Bisoprolol, Asprin. Now I have just had and am having my first ever bout of Gout (very painful!). I think i read somewhere that some of my meds could have the side effect of Gout. Unfortunately because of the meds I'm on I can't take Iboprufen to ease the Gout, any advice on what I can take for the Gout would be appreciated.
Gout advice: 8 months post HA, 1 stent... - British Heart Fou...
Gout advice

Hi, I suffered from gout for about 10 years, put up with it and took indomethacin (not sure about my spelling..) when I had an attack, however when attacks became too regular I started taking allopurinol (300mg once a day). Has done a great job and gout free since I started it. Had HA in April so a similar cocktail of meds as you but I can't say if they have caused gout as I continue with the allopurinol, it's another pill to pop but works well for me..it is so painful so good luck getting sorted, drink gallons of water, p**s for Britain and it will flush through..
you could discuss your medication with the pharmacist employed by your doctor’s group of surgeries. Pharmacists are the ones who know about drug side effects and inter-reactions.
I could be wrong but I think a definite diagnosis of gout would only be given after a blood test?
I also had an episode of gout in fact more than 1. Ticagrelor was the culprit, it seems like it increased the uric acid in my system. The GP gave me a course of tablets which were amazing. I only realised after being told repeatedly by the pharmacist at the surgery that my uric acid levels were constantly high that I decided to read all of the leaflets that came with my medication ( was fed up of being constantly told by the pharmacist to stop certain drinks and food which were never part of my diet, but they would never believe me). I then went back to them armed with information from the medication, to which the GP (not the pharmacist) stated the gout was never caused by my diet. Nevertheless I started taking high dosage of cherry supplements which has helped. Once I finished the 3 years of ticagrelor my uric acid levels dropped considerably however I still take the cherry supplements.
Hi what cherry supplements do you take
I had a triple bypass a few months ago and I get gout regularly. It's not very nice, is it?
My GP prescribed Colchicine.
It's very effective.
Probenecid is what I take for gout. 500mg in a.m. and another 500 mg tab in the evening.
Like RF260 I suffered with gout 10 + years prior to heart failure and was also on 400mg Allopurinol as a preventative. I am on similar HF drugs to you. Interestingly the last few blood tests have shown my uric acid levels very low, so I have reduced my Allopurinol intake to a lower dose now.
Allopurinol works for me
Oh my goodness this is actually spooky! I just came in here to say I have an excruciatingly painful knee and have begun to wonder if it's gout...I take a small dose of Bisoprolol 1.25mg but have been taking g for three years since AVR so don't see why might suddenly have caused it ? Does anyone know if it's safe to just take a couple of doses of Ibuprofen? I take 75mg aspirin a day...I know they don't mix well but can't believe a couple doses would be dangerous. I'm moving house on Saturday and nee to be mobile!!!
Hi Bookworm, I don't have gout, as far as Iknow, but I do get a lot of knee and foot pain. My GP said to use Ibrulieve gel (10%), as the action is then localised ,but not the tablets. Worth checking with your GP/ Pharmacist Im on the usual range of heart drugs.
Allopurinol works for me too and has done for moe than 50 years!
Hi, Allopurinol works for me, been taking it for 10 years no gout attacks. Did find before Allopurinol, dehydration and the dreaded high fructose glucose syrup triggered attacks. My GP reduced my dose recently as she had seen some research, that some uric acid lowers risk of Parkinsonism, so get regular reviews and serum uric acid tests.
You heed colchicine.
What I am about to advise might seem ludicrous to some people but..... I had four bouts of gout from about 1998. Bad ones! In twenty seconds from being normal to being in agony. The pain from gout is the worst I have ever experienced. The last time was in 2012 when it went away after a week but returned one day later with a vengeance. Because of warfarin I can't take anti-inflammatory drugs and it lasted for almost a month. I now mostly avoid foods with purines, I take 500mg vitamin C, drink a litre of water per day and take concentrated cherry pills (3100mg), which are scientifically proven to alleviate gout symptoms. I cannot take Allopurinol as I am Hypothyroid. It's also not advisable to take with warfarin either.
Give it a try!
The first outbreak of gout I was given a course of colchicine and ever since I’ve taken allopurinol daily.
I was told mine was caused by high amount of uric acid in my body caused by all the diuretic tablets I was taking. I still take them but haven’t had an outbreak since. Also certain foods can trigger it, by eating too much.
I started with episodes of gout a couple of years after starting meds for Heart Failure.
I'm now on 300mg daily of Allopurinol and have no instances of Gout to report since starting this.
Ok, I’m a qualified Reflexologist with anatomy & Physiology of 25yrs. I have had patients suffering from gout. Gout is a build up of Uric acid crystals in the extremities, it’s a body waste. It can run in families. Sadly once you get it you can be prone to develop it and its management thats required. I found my patients having Reflexology treatment (foot based specific pressure) would keep it at bay. You can try using tennis ball under the foot/feet or a foot roller, this improves the circulation. I have a REVITIVE machine, Tens type machine, these also can be of use. Most IMPORTANT is to drink plenty of water throughout the day do help the body flush out the excess and not build up. If your wee is dark, may be your not drinking enough water. Why take yet more medication which has to go through your liver, kidneys and bladder.
My husband was hit by gout about 12 years ago, he was given Naproxen (an NSAID) on prescription , this was also available over the counter as Feminax and avoided the struggle for an urgent GP apointment when a bout his again
But he also looked into alternative to this and allopurinol - he found that dietary changes might help - he had a high beer consumption which he reduced considerably, we also ate a lot of oily fish which we now limit - he has now been gout free for 10 years - his last bout was triggered by him eating smoked mackerel for three meals in a row (he was away in our caravan without me to supervise his diet!), he has not done that again!😁
hi I have never had gout but my cardiologist prescribed colchicine after my mild HA and 2 stents (around 18 months ago). He said it was experimental but research suggests colchicine benefits HA patients. I’ve since stopped (as I wanted to minimise the number of medicines I was taking and my cardiologist was happy for me to stop) but you might want to discuss with your pharmacist and cardiologist.
My Husband also had a problem with gout from a medication he was on and his Dr prescribed allopurinol and it stopped all of his gout attacks. Ask your Dr if it is something that can help you. He has since been taken off the med that was causing the gout attack, but she said if he would get anymore that he could take the alloprinol as needed. Hope this helps, take care
a natural solution that worked very well for me is Apple Cider Vinegar- but it’s got to be UNparturised with the ’Mother’ In it (a sort of floaty thing in it) it is now available in places like Sainsbury’s. Dilute it with water (to a tolerable taste) and add some honey. Take it 2 or 3 times a day - it’s actually quite refreshing - this will clear the gout up in a few days, but continue for a while after to make sure all the excess uric acid in the joint is gone. - Google the whole thing!
Hi, VC61,
I had a heart attack in March 2022, so now I am very cautious about taking pain medication. My doctor has assured me that taking Tramadol (50 mg) for pain is safe for my heart. I have not yet taken a pill, but I feel safe in taking it if I have moderate to severe pain.
I should add that I have taken Tramadol previously before my HA, so I am aware of how it works for me. Also, I should note that Tramadol is a synthetic opiate (does not provide a feeling of general euphoria). My main concern is that it will not harm my heart and it works for moderate+ pain levels.
I just wanted to provide this information as an extra resource that you might be able to use safely for moderate plus pain
Best wishes! ❤️