I am on Amiodarone, Apixaban, Bisoprolol, and Digoxin following a mitral valve replacement (tissue). I have been on Atorvastatin for the last two weeks and whilst at first it seemed OK I now seem to be having increased lightheadedness/dizziness – does anyone have similar experience?
Capercaille: I am on Amiodarone... - British Heart Fou...

Yes, carvedilol/bisoprolol the probable culprit. Part of the adjustments to life you have to make. Take care when rising from a chair, those first few seconds...
Thank you – I have stopped the Atorvastatin to see if it makes any difference (and as only started a fortnight ago so 'last in' and non-heart med) as it can affect the function of, or exacerbate the side effects of, other drugs. 'They' don't tell you this of course – read the leaflet! In fact, reading about Atorvasatin, it itself has substantial side effects.
Thanks again.
I didnt have those symptoms with Atorvastatin but muscle cramping. From what I've read on here I would get off that statin onto another. I did and its much better. I believe its the cheapest statin which is why its their go to med. They shouldnt be allowed to prescribe it. That's my opinion, awful stuff.
Thank you for your advice – I'm frankly wondering whether to entertain a statin at all: they all seem to have their disadvantages…but will wait a wee while longer, research more, and decide.
What really bothers me about the whole medical 'establishment' is how little attention is paid to drug interactions…
Hi, I had the same problem when I had an increase in Bisoprolol from 1.25 to 5mg. Doctor did explain that this may happen at first but after a while my body got used to it, hopefully yours will be the same.😊
I've been on Bisoprolol since Sept – first 1.25 now 10mg and whilst I suspect this may be a culprit (exacerbated by the statin?) I do wonder, as it has had long enough for my body to accustom to it.
The info leaflet for Atorvastatin does mention possibility of poor interaction with such as Digoxin and Amiodorane…
I was taking Digoxin,but following a second episode of atrial fibrillation my Gp changed my medication. At the time I was very breathless. Even unable to hold a conversation without struggling. I was also nauseous and had no appetite as a result . Glad to say the new medication , Tildium, has improved my symptoms considerably . Atorvastin causes few symptoms in me . Hope you will soon feel better.
Thank you. It's hard to distinguish which of my meds could be the 'culprit', and I am worried that changing/removing any of them will cause AF again…
Hi , just noticing you are on Amiodarone, I started it on 2nd January ahead of a planned cardioversion for mid February. Anyway since 11th January I am (according to my Kardia and backed up by my Fitbit) back in normal sinus rhythm. So 9 days to undo 6 months of persistent AFIB. I thought long and hard before starting it as Its a drug with all sorts of potential side effects and a long half life so I'm just wondering what dose you are on and do you intend to stick with it rather than say an ablation.
I too am very dizzy at times, trying to work out which med could be causing it
I started on Amiodarone on 19 November – no choice, suspect 'last resort' to control AFib, told I had to be on it for 4 months?? Looks as if I'll be on it till next appt with cardiac surgeon on 20 March (echo on 4th)…I'm on 200mg once a day.
I asked in Dec. if my meds could be tweaked as suffering side effects but he said to leave for now as they are keeping my heart working well and allowing time for it to heal. I don't know if this spell on Amiodorane is actually intended as a chemical cardioversion…he said I probably wouldn't need a cardioversion (electric one I assume). Frankly I' m confused…
Thanks, hopefully you will get some clarity in march, I see there is a 100mg dose which I might ask to drop down to , must admit didn't expect to convert in 9 days but my echo was pretty good with EF over 60 and only borderline left atria dilation (despite heart attack in April).
I can understand that. Don’t change any of them yourself. Talk to your Doctor , he or she will know what to advise
good luck
I take Apixaban , Bisoprolol and digoxin , I don’t take any other one , so I can’t really help you ,but I don’t seem to have any problems with the ones I take 🤞,
I hope that you get rid of side effects asap .