Hi I have been on Furosemide since I was admitted with endocarditis at the end of July. I also have a leaky aortic valve. When I was in hospital for 7 weeks I have had issues with some of my joints and muscles mainly due to wastage. I would have expected the joint issues to have got better but they are still playing up. I read that Furosemide can affect muscles and joints. Does anyone have any experience of this? I am seeing my cardiologist tomorrow and I would like to ask him for something different or whether I can come off then.
Furosemide side effects.: Hi I have... - British Heart Fou...
Furosemide side effects.

Furosemide is usually well tolerated. What other medications are you on?
I imagine blood tests will be arranged to check that everything is as it should be. You were hospitalised for quite a while. Are you doing any exercise with light weights or resistance bands to regain muscle tone?
No just walking and a bit of light gardening. I planning to get the bike out thus week and jump in the pool. I was a bit nervous about overdoing it.
How long since you left hospital?
It will be five weeks on Tuesday. It took me the first week to catch up with my sleep!
Hi Hedgehog lady,
Regarding exercise ,have you been offered cardiac rehab at all , I found it very helpful. It might be worth asking about. Have you lost much weight ? I will write more tomorrow but work tomorrow so I must get to bed.
Mary janet
No I haven't. I am seeing the cardiologist tomorrow so I will add this to the list. It's the first time since my release so to speak. I have only been told that I will have an annual echocardiogram. I have lost 2and a half stone and will loose some more once I start Slimming World again on Tuesday.
Sorry for the break in my reply but bed was calling me. I asked about weight loss because if you have had nasty infection like endocarditis you may have lost weight in the form of muscle loss. I was advised to started by walking 20 mins a day on the flat and gradually build up remembering I had to walk there and then back.....I found the rehab very helpful for building my confidence back up . I also went swimming which again was helpful. After rehab I was referred to the gym , something I had never done before I was ill but am still doing one year later. Whatever exercise you take listen to your body and listen to it when it yells stop. Endocarditis takes a lot out of the body and recovery takes time.
Hope your trip to see the cardiologist goes/went well.
Just been living up to my name I have been rounding up under weight juvenile hedgehogs to take a to the sanctuary for the winter The visit to the cardiologist went well. He has sorted out the dentist for me and reduced the water pill dose. He is really pleased and is happy for me to ride my bike and swim. I know what you mean about listening to your body my batteries wear out in the afternoon. I do enjoy a walk though and I recover quickly. I did lose a lot of weight when I was ill but I needed to so that's a positive from it. I am having an echocardiogram in January if it's the same they will repeat in 12 months if not I go on the waiting list for valve replacement. The thought of surgery terrifies me but I am more confident that I will be ok
Best wishes
Lynda aka hedgehog lady!
That sounds like a positive appointment, well done. Sounds like you are doing well. Glad the dental issues are sorted, happy flossing !
Are you being careful around the hedgehogs and gardening and always wearing gloves -I have some gauntlet type ones for added protection from cuts and scratches.
Enjoy all the exercise you are taking but don't over do it. You give that you are doing a great job with your recovery. It is good that you have your next echo booked and hopefully your valve's condition will not be worse. There is no pointing telling you not to worry because you will . But try and focus on what you can influence. It's hard but you will get there. This is an excellent forum to get support when you are feeling down or have any questions.
Look after yourself and keep in touch.
It may be slightly early for cycling and swimming. It's worth checking up on with your GP or the rehab team (if you get a referral). As you have lost weight and are planning to lose more I think the light weights and resistance exercises are doubly important to maintain tone.
Had no problems myself,been on 40mg for nearly two years for Heart Failure,found it very effective for reducing excess fluid(maybe too effective when i am out shopping or long journeys),but needs must
MichaelJH made a very important point mild exercise is important,just dont over do it
My sister was on a very high over the limit dose of ferusamide for 2 years to correct swollen lower legs ( she has AF and dementia). During the hot weather this year we noticed she lost a lot of ability to balance and mobilise and after blood tests there was a major panic, the dose was halved, and she is now much better. This could be an extreme case but it seemed to demonstrate that dosage is pretty important? I imagine sweating in hot weather could have concentrated the levels in her blood.
Thanks Caroline. That was one of the side effects I read about. Hope she is better now.