Hi all,
I was admitted to hospital in March 24, with a suspected heart attack. After an emergency angioplasty and high Triponin levels of 3000, I was released after a week. Since then, I e seen the inherited cardio team, they were testing for AMC, results came back negative. Infectious diseases dept, results came back negative. Although I have raised eosinophils. 72 Holter monitor, which didn’t pick up anything, ecg which was normal. A repeat MRI in Sept 24, which did show inflammation around the LV which has gone down, but cardiologist would have thought would have gone completely. Had a phone call last week from him, they still don’t know what’s going on. Repeat bloods, again eosinophils are raised but not as bad as last time but high ferritin levels of over 300. All the rest of CFC are normal, I do suffer with high blood pressure and an underactive thyroid. I am of a healthy weight and I’m no nearer forward in finding out a diagnosis. I’m still waiting for him to review my repeat bloods, he did say about re referral me back to the infectious disease dept. The last resort would be a heart biopsy which is scaring me. Has anyone else been through this? I’m on 1 aspirin a day and 1.25 Bioprosol. Not knowing is really worrying me.